301.01    Meaning of words and phrases.
301.02    Agricultural tractor.
301.031    Beacon; hybrid beacon.
301.04    Bicycle; motorized bicycle; moped; electric bicycle.
301.05    Bus.
301.06    Business district.
301.07    Commercial tractor.
301.08    Compact vehicle.
301.09    Controlled-access highway.
301.10    Crosswalk.
301.11    Driver or operator.
301.12    Emergency vehicle.
301.13    Explosives.
301.14    Expressway.
301.15    Flammable liquid.
301.16    Freeway.
301.17    Gross weight.
301.171    Highway maintenance vehicle.
301.172    Highway traffic signal.
301.18    Intersection.
301.19    Laned street or highway.
301.193     Low-speed micromobility device.
301.195    Median.
301.20    Motorcycle.
301.21    Motor vehicle.
301.211    Operate.
301.22    Park or parking.
301.23    Pedestrian.
301.24    Person.
301.25    Pole trailer.
301.26    Police officer.
301.261    Predicate motor vehicle or traffic offense.
301.27    Private road or driveway.
301.28    Public safety vehicle.
301.29    Railroad.
301.30    Railroad sign or signal.
301.31    Railroad train.
301.32    Residence district.
301.33    Right of way.
301.331    Road service vehicle.
301.34    Roadway.
301.35    Safety zone.
301.36    School bus.
301.37    Semitrailer.
301.371    Shared-use path.
301.38    Sidewalk.
301.39    State route.
301.40    Stop (when required).
301.41    Stopping or standing.
301.42    Stop intersection.
301.43    Street or highway; arterial street.
301.44    Through street or highway.
301.45    Thruway.
301.46    Traffic.
301.47    Traffic control device.
301.48    Traffic control signal.
301.49    Trailer.
301.50    Truck.
301.51    Urban district.
301.52    Vehicle.
301.53    Wheelchair, motorized.
301.54    Wheelchair, motorized.
         See sectional histories for similar State law
         Funeral procession defined - see TRAF. 331.24
         Street racing defined - see TRAF. 333.07
         Studded tire defined - see TRAF. 339.11
         Blind person defined - see TRAF. 371.02
         Snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle and all purpose vehicle
            defined - see TRAF. 375.01
         School zones defined - see TRAF. 333.03( b)