The Administrator shall require a notice to repair pursuant to Section 1144.07 when the following conditions exist:
   (a)   Misalignment: The vertical misalignment along any part of the seam between to slabs, or between sections within a slab fractured by cracks, 3/4 inch in elevation or greater. (See appendix for illustration.)
   (b)   Spalling: Slabs whose surface is granular and contains hazardous depressions or surface break-up in excess of 3/4 inch in depth. (See appendix for illustration.)
   (c)   Opening: Missing sections or gaps in excess of one inch between sections. (See appendix for illustration.)
   (d)   Humps or Sunken Sections: Humps in sections raised by roots or frost action, or sunken sections, when displaced more than one inch per foot or steeper from original configuration. (See appendix for illustration.)
   (e)   Loose or Cracked Sections: Excessive loose pieces or excessively cracked sections of concrete.
   (f)   Loose or Cracked Corners: Cracked corners less than nine square inches will not require repair.
(Ord. 1989-82. Passed 4-2-90.)