(a)   It is the purpose of this chapter to promote the public health, safety and welfare by establishing reasonable regulations governing the size, character and structural integrity of existing and proposed signs, billboards and other advertising structures within the City.
   (b)   Specifically, this chapter is designed to accomplish the following objectives:
      (1)   Reduce sign advertising distraction and obstructions that may contribute to traffic accidents, and reduce hazards that may be caused by signs adjacent to, overhanging or projecting over the public right of way;
      (2)   Provide regulations which permit signs and other advertising structures of sufficient size, character and location to fulfill the users' communicative needs while prohibiting excessive structures and sign competition to depreciate the value of the street view of adjacent properties;
      (3)   Protect the public safety by establishing performance standards for the structural members of signs or other advertising structures that will reduce the risk of fire, collapse or fragmentation; and
      (4)   Protect the public safety by providing a mechanism for the inspection and removal of signs or the advertising structures which have become unsafe through inadequate installation or maintenance.
         (Ord. 1993-12. Passed 7-19-93.)