The amount of required off-street parking space for new uses or buildings, additions thereto and additions to existing buildings as specified above shall be determined in accordance with the following table, and the space so required shall be stated in the application for a permit and shall be irrevocably reserved for such use and/or shall comply with Section 1140.04.

Minimum Number of Parking
Spaces Per Unit of Measure
One family and two family
2 for each dwelling
Apartment hotels, apartments and multiple family

2 for each dwelling
Housing for the elderly
1 for each unit, and 1 for each employee on maximum shift. Should units revert to general occupancy, then 2 spaces per unit shall be provided
Trailer park and manufactured home courts
2 for each trailer or manufactured home site and 1 for each employee of the trailer or mobile court. Plus 1 for every 4 sites adjacent to a recreation area
Boarding house, rooming houses which have sleeping rooms
1 for each sleeping room
Churches or temples
1 for each 4 seats in the main unit of worship
1 for each 2 beds in hospitals
Homes for the aged, nursing homes and children's homes
1 for each 600 square feet gross floor
Elementary and junior high schools
1 for each 1 teacher and administrator, in additional to the requirements for auditoriums
Senior high schools
1 for each 1 teacher, administrator and 1 for each 5 students, in addition to the requirements for auditoriums
Private clubs or lodge halls
1 for each 3 persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load as established by local, County or State Fire, Building or Health Codes
Private golf clubs, swimming pools, clubs, tennis clubs or other similar uses
1 for each 2 member families or individuals
Golf courses open to the general public, except miniature or "par-3" courses
6 for each 1 golf hole and 1 for each employee
Stadium, sports arena, speedway or similar places of outdoor assembly
1 for each 3 seats or 6 feet of benches
Theaters and auditoriums (indoors)
1 for each 4 seats plus 1 for each 2 employees
Theaters (drive-in)
1 for each vehicle plus a ten percent reservoir of the total vehicle capacity
Shopping center or clustered commercial
1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor area
Amusement, parks and establishments
1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor or lot area
Auto wash
1 for each 1 employee. In addition, adequate waiting space for autos shall be provided on the premises to accommodate twenty-five percent of the hourly rate of capacity
Beauty parlor or barber shop
3 spaces for each of the first 2 beauty or barber chairs, and 1 1/2 spaces for each additional chair
Bowling alleys
4 for each 1 bowling lane plus one additional space for each 100 square feet of the area used for restaurant, cocktail lounge or similar use
Dance halls, pool or billiard parlors, roller or ice skating rinks, exhibiting halls, and assembly halls without fixed seats

1 for each 3 seats
Drive-in establishments
1 for each 40 square feet of gross floor area, with a minimum of 25 parking spaces
Establishment for sale and consumption on the premises of beverages, food or refreshments
1 for each 75 square feet of gross floor area
Carry-out restaurants
1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area
Furniture and appliance, household equipment, repair shops, showroom of a plumber decorator, electrician or similar trade, shoe repair and other similar uses
1 for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. For that floor area used in processing, 1 additional space shall be provided for each 2 persons employed therein
Automobile service stations
2 for each lubrication stall, rack or pit; and 1 for each gasoline pump
Laundromats and coin operated dry cleaners
1 for each 2 washing machines
Miniature or "par-3" golf courses
3 for each 1 hole plus 1 for each 1 employee
Mortuary establishments
1 for each 50 square feet of gross floor area in slumber rooms, parlors or service rooms
Motel, hotel, or other commercial lodging establishments
1 for each 1 occupancy unit plus 1 for each 1 employee, plus extra spaces for dining rooms, ballrooms or meeting rooms as determined by the Board of Appeals
Motor vehicle sales and service establishments, trailer sales and rental boat showrooms
1 for each 400 square feet of gross floor area of sales room
Open air business except as otherwise provided
1 for each 700 square feet of lot area
All other types of retail stores except as otherwise provided
1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
Drive-in banks
1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
Business offices or professional offices except as indicated in the following item
1 for each 400 square feet of gross floor area
Medical or dental clinics, professional offices or doctors, dentists or similar professionals
1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
Industrial or research establishments
5 plus 1 for every 2 1/2 employees in the largest working shift. Space on site shall also be provided for all construction workers during periods of plant construction
Wholesale establishments
5 plus 1 for every employee in the largest working shift, or 1 for every 2,000 square feet of gross floor area whichever is greater
   Parking spaces for other permitted or conditional uses not listed in this section shall be determined by the Board of Appeals.
(Ord. 1989-81. Passed 1-2-90.)