All applications for ZLL development shall comply with the following requirements:
   (a)   Individual single-family ZLL dwelling units shall be located on individually platted lots.
      (1)   If areas for common use of occupants of the development area shown on the plat, easements/covenants shall be made for the maintenance of the common open space and facilities as provided below. The plat shall also indicate the ZLL and easements appurtenant thereto.
      (2)   The owner of each lot sharing common areas or structures shall be jointly and severally liable through recorded easements or restrictions, to each other such owner.
      (3)   The owner of each lot abutting a ZLL shall have of record a perpetual wall/maintenance easement over the four feet of the adjacent lot sharing such ZLL, which easement shall bar any structures other than single family dwelling units constructed on such ZLL, sidewalks, driveways, fences, and roof overhangs to a maximum of twenty-four inches over the adjacent property, but any such roof overhangs shall be so designed that water runoff from such ZLL structure is limited to the easement area. Such easement shall permit all reasonable rights of ingress and egress to maintain common structures, fences, or roof overhangs extending into or adjacent to such easement area.
   (b)   Every customary accessory use shall be permitted. Fencing, walls, trellises, garages, and other similar accessing structures may be used as connecting elements between single-family dwelling on adjacent lots, subject to site plan review. Carports and utility storage structures shall not be used as connecting elements.
   (c)   No detached single-family ZLL dwelling unit shall be located on any lot which is not adjacent to another designated ZLL lot.
   (d)   A minimum of two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on each platted lot.
   (e)   Each lot shall have a clear, direct frontage on a public street.
   (f)   Any dwelling unit wall located on the ZLL shall have no windows, doors, air conditioning units or any other type of openings with the exception that with respect to a two story unit attached to a single unit, windows may be allowed on the ZLL side of the second story. Atriums or courts may be permitted on the ZLL side when the court or atrium is enclosed by three walls of the dwelling unit, and a solid wall of at least eight feet in height is provided on the ZLL side. Such wall shall be constructed of the same material as the exterior walls of the unit.
   (g)   Electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning and water and sewer systems for each dwelling unit shall be separate and independent of systems for other dwelling units.
      (Ord. 1991-1. Passed 2-4-91.)