The following uses when the manufacturing, compounding, or processing is conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building are permitted. That portion of the land used for open storage facilities for materials or equipment used in manufacturing, compounding, final product storage or processing shall be totally obscured by a six foot wall on those sides abutting any residential district, and on any front yard abutting on a public thoroughfare.
(Ord. 1989-81. Passed 1-2-90; Ord. 2008-12. Passed 10-6-08.)
   (a)   Office or offices which may or may not pertain to those uses listed in this chapter. All other business, service, institutional and residential uses are not permitted.
      (Ord. 2002-10. Passed 9-23-02.)
   (b)   Research and testing facilities: Experimental, research and testing, all types of basic and applied research of product design and development including, but not limited to, the construction and operation of small scale experimental and pilot plant operations.
   (c)   Non-metal production: Clothing and other textile products, plastic extrusion, molding and fabricating of panels, sheets, tubes and rods, printing, publishing and engraving, fabrication of wood furniture, cabinets and other products limited to sashes, doors, cabinets, wall boards, partitions and prefabricated house panels, cosmetics, toiletries, novelties, bond, canvas, cellophane, glass and paper.
   (d)   General services: Sales and storage establishments if conducted wholly within enclosed buildings to the following extent:
      (1)   Public service facilities and public utilities, electric transformer station and substation, municipal sewage treatment plant and pumping station and gas regulators;
      (2)   Shops and offices of contractors, carpentry, electrical, masonry, plumbing, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, painting, ornamental iron, roofing and sheet metal, placing and crating and monument works;
      (3)   Commercial greenhouses.
         (Ord. 1989-81. Passed 1-2-90.)
   (e)   Funeral homes and/or other related State regulated businesses.
      (Ord. 2005-6. Passed 4-20-05.)