(a) Drive-thru and drive-up facilities subject to site plan review. The applicant shall submit plans to the Commission in such quantity and detail as the Commission determines is necessary to carry out the review. The site plan review shall include the following items and such further material as may reasonably be required to review the application.
(1) Suitability of location with respect to land us patterns and traffic;
(2) Minimum off-street line-up facilities. The recommendation of the Engineer on number and design shall be solicited and considered. The primary objectives shall be to contain waiting automobiles within the site in a manner commensurate with the service to be rendered;
(3) Landscaping, screening, lighting and setbacks to reduce detriment to the area and maximum amenities for the public. Low intensity, low level lighting shall be the basic requirement;
(4) Hours of operation, noise and other conditions which may be required to be specially regulated to carry on the purpose of this chapter on drive-in facilities. Limitation of late night or early morning hours of operation and noise in close proximity to residential developments shall be considered.
(b) Open Air Businesses:
(1) The minimum area of the site shall be ten thousand square feet;
(2) The minimum street frontage shall be one hundred feet;
(3) Where the site abuts property in any residentially zoned district, a buffer wall or planting strip shall be provided along the interior line;
(4) Exterior lighting shall be installed in a manner which will not create a driving hazard and shall be hooded or shielded so as to be deflected away from adjacent property.
(c) Automobile Car Wash Establishments:
(1) The operation must be completely enclosed within a building;
(2) Off-street storage space for at least six cars per car wash line for self-serve establishments shall be provided;
(3) At least twelve spaces provided for automatic establishments.
(d) Drive-in Theaters:
(1) There shall be no vehicular access to any residential street;
(2) Suitable screening shall be provided to insure that there shall be no headlight or other illumination directed upon any residentially zoned or used property;
(3) No structure shall be located closer than one thousand feet to any residentially zoned or used property.
(e) Automobile Service Stations With Repair Services:
(1) No automobiles may be stored outside of the building of more than forty-eight hours unless parked within an enclosure having a solid wall or fence six feet in height;
(2) When abutting residentially zoned or used property, all work conducted in connection with such operations other than towing services shall be done between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.;
(3) All advertising used in connection with the previously conducted automobile service station shall be removed within sixty days of conversion and replaced with signs in conformance with appropriate City ordinances.
(4) Shall be in compliance with Section 1125.03(a)
(Ord. 1989-81. Passed 1-2-90; Ord. 1991-39. Passed 9-30-91.)