A.   General Description: The A-General Agricultural District is established as a district in which the use of land is for agricultural purposes and uses directly incidental thereto. It is the purpose and intent of this District to promote the preservation and continued use of the land for agricultural purposes, and to prohibit residential, commercial, and industrial use, or any other use which would substantially interfere with, or adversely affect the desirable quality of an agricultural environment.
   B.   Uses Permitted: Property and buildings in the A-General Agricultural District may be used for the following purposes:
      1.   Single-Family and Two Family dwellings for farm or ranch owner, operator, or employee.
      2.   All agricultural or ranching land use buildings and activities.
      3.   Mining, quarrying and earth-extraction industries.
      4.   Oil well or gas well including the drilling thereof.
      5.   Transportation, pipeline and utility easements and rights-of-way.
      6.   Temporary roadside stands for the sale of farm products grown on the premises.
      7.   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses when located on the same lot.
      8.   Schools, public and private, where the curriculum is similar in nature and preparation of course work to the public schools.
      9.   Churches on a lot of not less than one (1) acre.
      10.   Public park, playground, fire station, community center or other similar public facility.
   C.   Minimum Lot Size: There are no requirements for minimum lot area in the A-General Agricultural District.
   D.   Maximum Coverage: Buildings shall not cover more than twenty-five (25) percent of the site on which the use is located.
   E.   Yard Requirements: No structure shall be erected, commenced, or maintained which has a front yard setback of less than fifty (50) feet. A side yard and/or rear yard of fifty (50) feet or two (2) feet of setback for each one (1) foot of height, whichever is greater, shall be provided when adjacent to R-1, R-2, or R-3 Residential Districts.
   F.   Height Limit: There are no requirements for minimum height in the A-General Agricultural District.
   G.   Off-Street Parking And Loading: Off-street parking as required in Article 4, Section 6 of this chapter.
   H.   Sewer Service: No structure or use in the A-General Agricultural District shall be erected, commenced, or allowed to continue which does not have a connection to the public sewerage system unless or until the County Public Health Officer certifies that a septic tank or any substitute disposal system can be installed and operated effectively. As a basis for making his decision, the Health Officer may require such percolation tests as he deems to be necessary. Such tests are to be made at the expense of the property owner.
   I.   Signs And Billboards: In the A-General Agricultural District, the use of signs and billboards is the same as that set forth in Article 6, Section 604.9, for the C-General Commercial District.
   J.   Uses Permitted on Review: The following uses may be permitted on review by the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions contained in Title 10, Chapter I of the Waurika Code of Ordinances:
      1.   Lodge hall, veteran's organization, service organization.
      2.   Sign or display, not exceeding two (2) in number, advertising the residential, commercial or industrial development of the land on which the sign or display is situated. All signs or displays shall be removed immediately upon completion of the development, but in no case shall they be permitted to remain longer than three (3) years from the date of issuance of the special permit. The type such as to not be detrimental to the use of adjacent properties, or to restrict sight distance on public streets.
      3.   Airport or landing field.
      4.   Cemetery (in accordance with state law).
      5.   Kennel.
      6.   Radio and television station and transmission tower.
      7.   Stable, public.
      8.   Childcare center in accordance with the provisions of the City of Waurika.
      9.   Drilling for oil or natural gas or the extraction of sand, gravel or minerals; provided that the operation is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances of Waurika and the state laws and regulations relating thereto.
      10.   Commercial Medical Marijuana Grow Facility; provided that the operation is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances of Waurika and the state laws and regulations relating thereto. (Ord. 10112021-08, 10-11-2021; amd. Ord. 06132022-13, 6-13-2022)