A.   General Description: The purpose of the I-General Industrial District is to provide a location for industries and to preserve such land for industry that is most beneficial to industries and to prohibit non-industrial uses. Because of the traffic generated and other objectionable influences which may be created in this District, it is necessary to provide a buffer or setback area between this District and any other zoning district.
   B.   Uses Permitted: Property and buildings in an I - General Industrial District may be used for the following purposes:
      1.   Any of the following uses shall be permitted:
         Automobile wrecking and junk yards, provided they are enclosed by a solid fence of not less than eight (8) feet in height.
         Building materials sales.
         Bottling works, cannery, or preserving factories.
         Commercial radio and television transmitting antenna towers and other electronic equipment requiring outdoor towers, including antenna towers for the dispatching of private messages.
         Compounding, processing, and blending of chemical products, but. not including any materials which decompose by detonation.
         Fuel sales and storage.
         General and administrative offices.
         Machine shops and metal products manufacture and tool and die shops, provided they do not include any of the following equipment: automatic screw machines, drop forges or riveting machines.
         Mail-order houses.
         Manufacturing and assembling (or any combination of such processes) products from wood, cork, glass, leather, fur, plastic, felt and other textiles, but not including, as a principal operation, the processing of any raw materials.
         Manufacturing and assembling electrical and electronic products and equipment.
         Milk bottling and distribution.
         Milling companies and grain elevators.
         Motor freight terminals.
         Printing and binding plants.
         Research laboratories.
         Sheet metal shops.
         Sign painting.
         Utility service installation.
         Warehouses and storage facilities.
         Water filtration plants, pumping stations, reservoirs; and lift stations.
         Welding shops.
      2.   Any other manufacturing process or establishment which can operate in compliance with the aforementioned requirements.
      3.   Any public building or use.
   C.   Minimum Lot Size: There are no requirements for minimum lot area in the I-General Industrial District.
   D.   Maximum Coverage: Buildings shall not cover more than forty (40) percent of the site on which the use is located.
   E.   Yard Requirements: No structure shall be erected, commenced, or maintained which has a front yard setback of less than fifty (50) feet. A side yard and/or rear yard of fifty (50) feet or two (2) feet of setback for each one (1) foot of height, whichever is greater, shall be provided when adjacent to Residential.
   F.   Height Limit: There are no requirements for minimum height in the I-General Industrial District.
   G.   Off-Street Parking And Loading: Off-street parking as required in Article 4, Section 6 of this chapter.
   H.   Sewer Service: No structure or use in the l-General Industrial District shall be erected, commenced, or allowed to continue which does not have a connection to the public sewerage system unless or until the County Public Health Officer certifies that a septic tank or any substitute disposal system can be installed and operated effectively. As a basis for making his decision, the Health Officer may require such percolation tests as he deems to be necessary. Such tests shall be made at the expense of the property owner.
   I.   Signs And Billboards: In the I-General Industrial District, the use of signs and billboards is the same as that set forth in Article 6, Section 604.9, for the C-General Commercial District.
   J.   Uses Permitted on Review: The following uses may be permitted on review by the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions contained in Title 10, Chapter 9 of the Waurika Code of Ordinances:
      1.   Cement, lime or gypsum manufacture.
      2.   Natural gas production and distribution.
      3.   Petroleum production and refining.
      4.   Wholesale or bulk storage of gasoline, propane, or butane, or other petroleum products.
      5.   Disposal plants of all types including trash and garbage, sewage treatment including lagoons and compost plants.
      6.   Salvage yards for automobiles, building materials, scrap metal, junk or any other kind of salvage; provided, however, that all salvage operations shall be so screened by ornamental walls, fences or evergreen planting that it cannot be seen by a person standing at ground level at any place immediately adjacent to the lot on which the salvage operation is located.
      7.   Commercial Medical Marijuana Grow Facility; provided that the operation is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances of Waurika and the state laws and regulations relating thereto.
      8.   Any use not otherwise permitted by these regulations. (Ord. 10112021-08, 10-11-2021; amd. Ord. 06132022-13, 6-13-2022)