A.   General Description: The R-4, Residential District is established as a district in which the use of land is for residential purposes and uses directly incidental thereto. It is the purpose and intent of this District to promote the development and the continued use of the land for mobile home trailer parks and to prohibit commercial and industrial use or any other use which would substantially interfere with or adversely affect the desirable quality of a residential environment. The intent is to further discourage any use in this District which would generate traffic or create congestion on neighborhood streets other than the normal traffrc which serves the residents in the area.
   B.   Uses Permitted: Mobile home trailer park when in compliance with Section 604.3 and Title 10, Building and Development, Chapter 7, Manufactured, Mobile, and Modular Housing.
   C.   Mobile Home Trailer Park: Upon compliance with the provisions as set forth herein, the Planning Commission may authorize a Mobile Home Trailer Park within the "R-4" District.
      1.   The applicant, upon making application for a Zoning Clearance Permit, must submit to the Planning Commission a detailed site plan locating all mobile home stands, screening or fencing, and plans and specifications for the proposed park in a form suitable for making the determinations required herein.
      2.   The proposed site shall be a minimum of two and one-half (2-1/2) acres in size and shall contain no more than fifteen (15) mobile home stands per acre. The proposed site shall have a minimum frontage of two hundred (200) feet on a street designated as a major street or collector street in the Thoroughfare Plan. All ingress or egress by automobile shall be on such streets. The proposed site shall be a minimum of two hundred (200) feet in depth.
      3.   The Mobile Home Park shall accommodate primarily permanent occupants, with no more than forty (40) percent of the mobile home stands devoted to solely transient purposes. These solely transient stands are to be located in one area of the park so they will in no way interfere with the permanent residents
      4.   The proposed site shall have a front yard of not less than-twenty (20) feet from any mobile home stand to the street boundary of the park. The site shall have side and rear yards of fifteen (15) feet from any solid fencing or wall of six (6) feet in height, or forty (40) feet where only a screen planting is provided.
      5.   The proposed site shall be screened or buffered. on all sides with a solid wall fence six (6) feet in height or a well-trimmed, screen planting which is not under three (3) feet or over, six (6) feet in height.
      6.   The proposed site shall provide one off-street parking space for each mobile home stand, plus one additional off-street parking space for each four (4) mobile home stands.
      7.   The proposed site shall provide a connection for each mobile home stand to all public utilities considered necessary for the health, safety and general welfare of the public. (Ord. 10112021-08, 10-11-2021; amd. Ord. 06132022-13, 6-13-2022)