The administrative affairs of the City shall be arranged into a Police Department, a Health Department, a Fire Department, a Water and Sewer Department, a Street Department, and such other departments as the Board of City Commissioners may by ordinance prescribe.
(a) The Police Department shall consist of such police officers as may be employed by the City; and from among them the City Manager may designate one to be the Chief of Police.
(b) The Health Department shall consist of a Health Officer, and any other employees that may be necessary.
(c) The Fire Department shall consist of the organized fire company of the City, with Department Chief and drivers and other firemen, volunteer or salaried or both.
(d) The Water and Sewer Department shall consist of a Superintendent and such other employees as may be necessary.
(e) Other departments which may be prescribed by the Board of City Commissioners shall consist of such employees as may be necessary.
(f) Any person employed in the service of the City in any department shall, at the discretion of the City Manager, render services for the City in any other department when directed to do so by the City Manager.