A.   Definitions: For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection:
    HUMAN EXCREMENT: The bowel and kidney discharge of human beings.
   SANITARY WATER CLOSET: The flush type toilet which is connected with a sanitary sewer line of such capacity and construction as to carry away the contents at all times. (2007 Code § 9-10)
   B.   Owner To Provide Proper Toilet Facilities:
      1.   Every owner of a residence or other building in which humans reside, are employed or congregate, shall install, equip and maintain adequate sanitary facilities for the disposal of human excrement; this requirement shall include a sanitary water closet or closets, or a water closet or closets connected to an approved septic tank.
      2.   The closets and toilets required herein shall be of the sanitary water closet type when located within three hundred feet (300') of any Municipal Sanitary Sewer System line and accessible thereto. It shall be the duty of every owner of property so located to connect, or cause to be connected, his toilet(s) with the Municipal Sanitary Sewer System, and to make every proper connection so that each toilet is properly connected with said Municipal Sewer System.
      3.   When not so located, the closet or toilet shall be of: a) the sanitary water closet type, so connected to a sanitary sewer (notwithstanding the distance from it); or b) the water closet type, connected to a septic tank approved by the County Health Officer. (2007 Code § 9-11)
   C.   Proper Disposal Of Human Excrement Required: All human excrement shall be disposed of by deposition in closets of the type hereinbefore described. It shall be unlawful for any owner of property to permit the disposal of human excrement thereon in any other manner, or for any person to dispose of human excrement in any other manner. (2007 Code § 9-12)
   D.   Unauthorized Facilities Public Nuisances: All facilities for the disposal of human excrement in a manner different from that required by this Code, and all privies and closets so constructed, situated or maintained as to endanger the public health, are hereby declared to be public nuisances and may be dealt with, and abated, as such (see chapter 1 of this title). (2007 Code § 9-13)