The Preservation Commission shall have the power to make recommendations regarding the proposed demolition of designated historic landmarks or historic structures, including public demolition procedures initiated through statutory "nuisance abatement" processes, as well as other public or privately initiated demolition processes; no permit to demolish all or part of such historic landmarks or historic structures shall be granted by the Municipal building inspector, nor shall an abatement order be implemented, except as follows:
   A.   Except as otherwise provided, no person, including an agent of the City, in charge of a historic landmark or historic site improvement in a Historic District shall be granted a permit or permission to demolish, partially or in total, such property without the written approval of the Preservation Commission.
   B.   Upon the filing of an application with the Preservation Commission, said commission shall determine whether the proposed change would destroy or adversely affect the historical features of the historic landmark, historic site or Historic District property.
   C.   If the Preservation Commission determines that the historic landmark, historic site or property within a Historic District would be adversely affected by the proposed change, it may withhold its consent to the granting of permission for the permit. The commission shall make its decision within thirty (30) days after the filing of such application, and shall state in writing the reasons for withholding consent, mailing the same to the applicant.
   D.   If the Preservation Commission refuses to grant permission or approve issuance of a permit for demolition, negotiations shall be initiated with the applicant to arrive at a mutually agreeable plan to avoid demolition, maintain historic integrity and achieve the applicant's objectives. If no plan is agreed upon within six (6) months of the filing of the application, the Municipal building inspector may issue the permit to demolish the subject property or the Municipal agent may proceed, without the approval of the commission. (Ord. 02062017-2, 2-6-2017)