The parent or legal guardian of an unemancipated minor who resides with such parent or legal guardian shall be liable for any fine or condition or restitution imposed by a court upon an unemancipated minor for violation of this chapter, if the minor has not paid said fine or made restitution or reparation within the time ordered by the court, and further, if the parent or legal guardian has been made a party defendant in all enforcement proceedings against the unemancipated minor for a violation of this chapter and shall have been served with all citations, summons, complaints, notices, and other documents required to be served on the unemancipated minor defendant, and further, if the court shall find that the parent or legal guardian has neglected the minor in an irresponsible manner or has permitted or acquiesced in a violation of the curfew laws by the minor (see section 6-7-1 of this Code) at the time of the occurrence of the vandalism by the minor or has repeatedly or irresponsibly failed or neglected to exercise a reasonable degree of supervision over the minor.
(1980 Code § 52-5)