Ord. No. Date Description
94 9-1-43 Fourth St. between Locust St. and South St.
244 12-28-54 Hillside Dr. from S. River Rd. to its terminus.
303 9-4-57 Portion of North St. between River Rd. and Water St., and a portion of Water St. between North St. and Mechanic St.
376 1-18-61 Portion of north-south alley between Third St. and Anthony Wayne Trail.
6-1969 2-17-69 Portions of Wood St., Second St. and an alleyway abutting Lots 83, 85, and 86.
13-1969 4-28-69 Portion of an alley in Waterville Addition lying between Lots 1 and 51.
5-71 3-22-71 Portion of Locust Street.
10-72 4-10-72 Portion of North Street.
29-75 12-8-75 Portion of alley between the right-of-way lines of Mechanic St. and North St. and Second St. and Anthony Wayne Trail.(Repealed by Ord. 32-85, listed below).
25-78 8-14-78 Alley running north and south from School Court St. on the north side to the north side of Lot 44 of the Original Plat of Waterville on the south and the lot bounded by Lot 50 on the east and the east halves of Lots 42 and 43 on the west.
32-85 12-23-86 Alley between Mechanic St. and North St., and Second St. and Anthony Wayne Trail, reserving certain easements thereon, and repealing Ord. 29-75.
14-90 8-27-90 Vacating a right-of-way located south of Locust Street and between Lots 193 and 194.