(a)   Appeals from any decision of the Fire Chief regarding any action of the Municipal Fire Code may be made by any person affected by filing written notice thereof with the Fire Chief within 14 calendar days of such decision.  Appeals shall specify the grounds thereof, setting forth the material subject matter sufficiently to identify the matters involved in the appeal.  The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals, as established by the Waterville Municipal Charter, is hereby designated to serve as the Municipal Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals.  The Municipal Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals shall have the same powers and duties with respect to the Municipal Fire Prevention Code as the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals has with respect to building and zoning as specified in the Waterville Municipal Charter Section 7.03.
   (b)   The Municipal Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals shall schedule and conduct a hearing within 30 days of receiving an appeal notice from the Fire Chief and shall render a decision within 14 days after such hearing.  Such decision may affirm, reverse or modify an order or decision of the Fire Chief.
   (c)   Appeals from any decision other than a decision of the Fire Chief regarding any section of the Municipal Fire Code shall be made to the Ohio Board of Building Appeals.
(Ord. 13-16.  Passed 8-22-16.)