(a)   All persons, associations, or organizations desiring the use of the Municipal Shelter Houses shall make application for reservation on payment of the established nonrefundable rental fees for Shelter at Municipal Park.
   (b)   Every person, association, or organization whose reservation is accepted by the Municipal Administrator shall execute necessary releases agreeing to indemnify the Municipality for any damage or destruction to the property occasioned as the result of the use of same by the applicant.
   (c)   The Municipal Administrator shall establish rules and regulations deemed necessary and proper controlling the use of the Shelter Houses.
   (d)   In passing on the acceptability of the application of a person, association, or organization for use of the Shelter House, the Municipal Administrator may take into account any problems or difficulties arising out of the prior use of same by the applicant.
(1980 Code 99.04; Ord. 3-77.)