The powers and duties of the Municipal Administrator shall be:
   (a)    To see that all laws and ordinances are enforced.
   (b)    To appoint, suspend, or remove all subordinate officers and employees of the Municipality (all action shall be on merit and fitness alone).
   (c)    To exercise control over all municipal departments created by Council.
   (d)    To make engineering and other assistance available to all boards and commissions created by this Charter or by Council, within the limits of appropriations and available funds.
   (e)    To see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the Municipality or its inhabitants in any public utility franchise or other contracts are faithfully kept and performed.
   (f)    To attend all Council meetings, with the right to take part in the discussions but not to vote.
   (g)    To recommend to Council any matter requiring their legislative actions and  where practicable avoiding passage of an ordinance or resolution as an emergency measure.
   (h)    To annually recommend to Council repeal of obsolete legislative actions.
   (i)    To keep Council fully advised on a monthly basis as to the financial condition and needs of the Municipality.
   (j)    To submit an annual budget to Council, and be responsible for its proper execution as covered by appropriation ordinances of Council.
   (k)    To prepare and submit to Council, as of the end of each fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the Municipality for the preceding year.
   (1)    To act as purchasing agent to all municipal departments.
   (m)    To issue all licenses and permits pursuant to ordinances or resolutions except as may be established by this Charter.
   (n)    To perform such other duties as are provided for elsewhere in this Charter.
   (o)    Execute contracts, agreements, or other documents on behalf of the Municipality after first obtaining authority from Council.
      (Amended 11-2-71)