(a)   Street Trees.
      (1)   The planting, maintenance and removal of all street trees within the City are the responsibility of the City, although a property owner may carry out maintenance activities on the street trees which abut their property.  Maintenance includes but is not limited to:
         A.   Ensuring sufficient passage of light from any public street light to the street;
         B.   Ensuring a clear space of fourteen feet above the surface of the street or seven feet above the surface of the sidewalk;
         C.   Ensuring traffic signals, street signs and all other traffic control devices are not obstructed;
         D.   Removing dead, decayed or broken limbs or branches;
         E.   Removing branches that cause a sight hazard for drivers or pedestrians.
      (2)   The City shall have the right to plant street trees in such locations as it deems appropriate.
      (3)   The City shall have the right to cause the maintenance or removal of any street tree when such a tree does not comply with the minimum standards of this section, constitutes a serious hazard to life or property, and/or harbors insects or disease which constitute a potential threat to other trees within the City.
   (b)   Public Trees Other Than Street Trees.
      (1)   The Public Works Director or his or her designee shall keep all public trees other than street trees trimmed so that the branches of such trees projecting over any public sidewalk or private driveway or into any public street beyond the curb line do not conflict with the public welfare.
      (2)   The Public Works Director or his or her designee shall have the right and duty to trim any public tree other than a street tree so as to insure the public safety or to preserve the function or beauty of such public place.  He or she shall further have the right to remove any such tree or any part thereof which is in an unsafe condition or which, by reason of its location or nature, is injurious or detrimental to other public improvements in the City, or is afflicted with any injury, fungus, insect or other pest or disease which cannot otherwise be controlled. 
         (Ord. 05-18.  Passed 3-26-18.)