Ord. No.   Date    Description
Res. 8-1965      Grants a special permit and authorizes issuance of a building permit to Hillcrest Nursing Home for an addition.
Res. 18-75      Grants an amendment to the special use permit of Vernor Bucher, dba Hillcrest Nursing Home for expansion of the Nursing Home Facilities.
15-80   6-23-80   Special use permit for operation of a swimming and tennis club on  3.6 acres in River Tract 36.
29-83   12-12-83   Special use permit to Triax Communications for the remodeling and use as an office of the building located at 144 S. River Rd.
Res. 28-84   9-24-84   Special use permit to park a recreational vehicle, which is to be temporarily occupied as a residence, at 215 North Fourth Street to Mark Strayer.
14-84   1-28-85   Special permit to American Metalcraft, 218 Mechanic Street, for the construction of a new building along North Second Street.
15-84   1-28-85   Special use permit to France Stone Company to erect a  premanufactured office at the Waterville Quarry.
20-85   9-23-85   Special permit to William Imes for a combined residence/commercial use in the building located at 216 Farnsworth Road.
22-85   9-23-85   Special permit to William C. Monroe for a variance to reduce the required side yard to build a detached garage at 317 Wilkshire Drive.
34-85   12-23-85   Special permit to Dennis and Karen Dohse, 131 North River Road, for a variance to build a detached garage that would occupy in excess of 40% of the required rear yard.
Res. 4-86   3-10-86   Rescinding special permit granted to Fred Dieter by Ord. 11-85 for a lot split of the property at 1178 Farnsworth Road.
14-86   6-23-86   Special use permit to Ferd Seipel, Jr., for a construction trailer in Patriot Square Plat 1.
20-86   12-8-86   Special use permit to Knahs II, L.P., for an office in the residential structure at 8308 South River Road.
15-87   8-31-87   Special use permit to Keyport Land Company, Toledo, Ohio, for combined commercial/residential use in the building located at 34 North Third Street.
5-88   3-14-88   Amendment to special use permit issued to Fallen Timbers Swim and Tennis Club in Ord. 15-80.
14-88   7-25-88   Special use permit to Ernest W. Crum, Jr. for a tooling business to be established at 138 South Third Street.
17-88   8-22-88   Special use permit to Susan B. Rogalski for a nursery school at the First Presbyterian Church, 611  Farnsworth Road.
30-88   1-23-89   Special use permit to Phil Anderson for a retail business to be established at 140 South River Road.
11-89   8-14-89   Granting a special use permit to Kathy Hilton for a Nursery School at the Waterville United Methodist Church, 102 North Fifth Street.
2-90   7-9-90   Approving an amendment to the special use permit issued for the Society National Bank as trustee for the Otis Avery Browning Memorial Trust Board.
5-90   4-9-90   Granting a special use permit to Mr. & Mrs. David M. Trudeau for a bed and breakfast establishment located at 104 S. River Road.
23-90   10-22-90   Granting a special use permit to Hanifanobenauf Builders for the construction of two office-professional buildings located at 8500 Farnsworth Road.
11-91   4-22-91   Granting the renewal of a special use permit to Mr. and Mrs. David M. Trudeau for a bed and breakfast establishment located at 104 S. River Road.
15-91   7-22-91   Granting a special use permit to Kathy Hilton for a nursery school to be located at the Waterville United Methodist Church, 102 N. Fifth St.
16-91   8-12-91   Granting a special use permit to Todd Heimrich to construct a house on Neapolis-Waterville Road.
Res. 44-91   10-28-91   Establishing a construction timetable pursuant to Ord. No. 2-90.
23-94   12-12-94   Amendment to the special use permit issued for the Midamerican National Bank and Trust Company as trustee for the Otis Avery Browning Memorial Trust Fund.
01-98   2-23-98   Rescinds special use permit granted to F.  Seipel, Jr.  for construction trailer in Patriot Square Plat 1.
02-98   2-23-98   Rescinds special use permit granted to Triax Communications (Frontier Vision) for remodeling and office use of building at 144 S.  River Rd.
03-98   2-23-98   Rescinds special use permit granted to K.  Hilton for nursery school at Waterville United Methodist Church, 102 N.  Fifth St.
04-98   4-27-98   Amends special use permit granted to W.  Imes for residential uses in Southern and Northern Buildings, Lot 103.
05-98   2-23-98   Rescinds special use permit granted to S.B. Rogalski for nursery school at First Presbyterian Church, 611 Farnsworth Rd.
23-98   9-28-98   Grants special use permit to M.  and R.  Anderson for 2 miniature horses at 445 N.  River Rd.
29-98   2-22-99   Grants a special use permit to Christopher Shoemaker to operate a construction excavation business at 7160 Waterville-Monclova Road.
35-05   10-10-05   Grants a Special Use Permit to Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America to construct an addition to the existing building located at 8885 Browning Drive.
07-08   4-28-08   Grants a Special Use Permit to Jamie Pfefferle to operate a cheerleading, gymnastics and dance facility from property located at 1160 Disher Drive.
30-08   9-8-08   Grants a conditional use permit to W. and P. Toedter to operate a wholesale bakery from property located at 8326 Waterville- Monclova Road.
36-08   11-10-08   Grants a conditional use permit to the Kroger Co. to operate a supermarket greater than 75,000 sq. ft. in the Villages of Waterville Landing Development at the northeast corner of S.R. 64 and the proposed U.S. 24 Bypass.
49-08   1-26-09   Grants a special use permit to River of Faith Church to operate a church from property located at 1 South River Road.
03-09   2-9-09   Grants a special use permit to the Moses Schlachter Group, Inc., to extract fill dirt and to construct a 23 acre permanent lake or pond at a location within the proposed Villages at Waterville Landing Development.
28-09   9-14-09   Amends special use permit to Hanifan-Obenauf Builders and granting a special use permit to J.T. and B.J. Hanifan for a temporary parking lot at 8276 Neapolis-Waterville Road.
30-09   9-28-09   Amends Health Care & Retirement Corporation of America’s special use permit to allow the construction of a gazebo at 8885 Browning Drive.
09-10   4-26-10   Grants a special use permit to WVP LLC to conduct the retail sale of furniture at the rear of 218 Mechanic Street.
13-11   5-9-11   Grants a special use permit to the City to operate a yard waste transfer facility at 6730 Anthony Wayne Trail.
37-11   12-12-11   Amending the Special Use Permit of the Browning Masonic Community, Inc. to allow the construction of building and parking lot additions on the property located at 8883 Browning Drive.
38-11   12-12-11   Granting a Special Use Permit to operate a Pet Styling Boutique at 209 Farnsworth Road.
02-14   3-24-14   Granting a special use permit to construct a building on a lot zoned C-3 and known as 1065-1101 Pray Blvd. where the impervious area lot coverage will exceed 75,000 square feet.
02-15   2-9-15   Grants special use permit to construct a building on an 11.494 acre parcel of land on the west side of Pray Blvd., north of State Route 64 zoned C-3 where the impervious area lot coverage will exceed 75,000 square feet.
37-15   3-14-16   Amending the Special Use Permit of the Browning Masonic Community, Inc. to allow the construction of the Community Villas Phase 1 on the property located at 8883 Browning Drive.
08-16   6-27-16   Grants a special use permit to construct a building on a 14.846 acre parcel of land on the southeast side of Pray Blvd. north of State Route 64 zoned R-4 for a Senior Living Community.
14-16   8-22-16   Grants a special use permit to operate a complete automotive restoration facility at 218 Mechanic Street Unit C.
25-16   11-14-16   Amending the Special Use Permit of the Browning Masonic Community, Inc., to allow the construction of the Community Villas Phase 2 on the property located at 8883 Browning Drive.
04-17   5-8-17   Amending a Special Use Permit to construct a building on 14.846 acre parcel of land (1470 Pray Boulevard) Zoned R-4 for a Senior Living Community and Declaring an emergency.
17-17   9-25-17   Amending a special use permit to construct a building on a 14.846 acre parcel of land (1470 Pray Boulevard) zoned R-4 for a Senior Living Community.
02-18   2-26-18   Granting a special use permit to construct a building addition and parking lot modifications at the Waterville Primary School (457 Sycamore Lane).