A.   The village president's term as ex officio member of the planning commission shall be concurrent with his term of office as village president. The members of the planning commission shall serve as follows: for the initial appointments, one for one year; one for two (2) years; one for three (3) years; one for four (4) years; one for five (5) years; one for six (6) years; and one for seven (7) years. Successors to each member so appointed shall serve for a term of five (5) years.
   B.   The original appointment shall designate the term of office of each person so appointed. The terms of all officers expire on the first Monday in May in the last year of their respective terms, regardless of the actual date of appointment, but the member whose term is expiring shall continue to hold his office until his successor is appointed as provided for herein. Vacancies shall only be filled by appointments for unexpired terms only. (Ord. 2006-15, 11-14-2006)