11-1-10: DISCLAIMER:
The degree of flood protection required by this chapter is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on available information derived from engineering and scientific methods of study. Larger floods may occur or flood heights may be increased by manmade or natural causes. This chapter does not imply that development either inside or outside of the SFHA will be free from flooding or damage. This chapter does not create liability on the part of the village or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damage that results from reliance on this chapter or any administrative decision made lawfully hereunder. Further, nothing contained within this title purports to alter or affect any regulatory programs promulgated by any state or federal agency except to the extent that the village has authority to impose additional or separate regulations, or to enforce existing regulations or regulations to be adopted by such state or federal agencies. Nothing contained within this code shall release any person from obtaining appropriate review, approval or permit(s) from other agencies including, but not limited to, the Illinois department of natural resources. (Ord. 2007-01, 2-13-2007)