The planned development is intended to encourage improved design in the development of land by providing relief from traditional zoning requirements which are designed for conventional development but which may cause undue hardship or complication for desirable but unconventional development, and to establish standards and procedures for a planned development in order to obtain the following objectives:
   A.   Environmental design in the development of land that is of a higher quality than is normally possible through the strict application of general zoning requirements.
   B.   Diversification in the use permitted and variation in the relationship of uses, structures, open spaces and heights of structures in developments conceived as cohesive, unified projects.
   C.   Provision for functional and beneficial use of open space.
   D.   Preservation, to the greatest extent possible, of the archeological and historic resources and natural landscape features and amenities of a development site and to utilize such features in a harmonious fashion in the development.
   E.   Provision for a safe and desirable environment characterized by a sensitive and unified building and site development program.
   F.   Rational and economic development in relation to public services.
   G.   Creation of a variety of uses, in compatible arrangements, to provide a greater choice of living, employment and shopping environments.
   H.   Efficient use of land resulting in more economic networks of utilities, streets and other facilities.
   I.   Coordination of architectural styles, building forms and relationships, graphics and other private improvements. (Ord. 2004-10, 6-8-2004)