It is hereby declared to be a public nuisance for any person within the limits of the village or within its territorial jurisdiction:
   A.   Offensive Odors: To so negligently conduct any business or use any premises as to create such an offensive smell as to taint the air and render it unwholesome or disagreeable to the neighborhood.
   B.   Offensive Or Unwholesome Business: To establish, maintain and carry on any offensive or unwholesome business.
   C.   Renderies, Tanneries: To locate and carry on, without having obtained permission of the board of trustees to do so, any packing house, renderers, tallow chandlers, glue or bone factories, soap factory or tannery.
   D.   Breweries And Distilleries: To locate in the village, without first having obtained permission of the board of trustees to do so, any brewery or distillery.
   E.   Slaughterhouses: To slaughter or kill any meat, cattle, hogs or sheep, or keep, maintain or use therein for any house or place in which the business of slaughtering any of said animals may be carried on in the village without a permit to do so from the board of trustees.
   F.   Foul Substances: To cause or suffer the carcass of any animal or vegetable matters, slop, swill, suds, garbage, filth, stable drippings or offal or noisome substances of any kind to be collected, deposited or to remain in any place in the village to the prejudice of others.
   G.   Offensive Premises: To keep, or suffer to be kept, in a foul, offensive, nauseous or filthy condition any chicken coop, stable, cellar, drain, pool, toilet, sewer or sink, upon any premises belonging to or occupied by a person, or any railroad car, building, yard, grounds, and premises belonging to or occupied by a person.
   H.   Privies: To erect or maintain any privy within the village 1 .
   I.   Cellars, Sewers And Drains: To suffer or permit any cellar, vault, private drain, pool, sewer or sink upon any premises belonging to or occupied by a person to become nauseous, foul, offensive or injurious to the public health. (1999 Code § 18.01)
   J.   Offensive Matter In Watercourses: To throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited, any offal or any offensive matter, or the carcass of any animal, or any dirt, filth, rubbish, waste, stone, material, thing or property of any kind in any watercourse, pond, spring or well on any land. For the purpose of this section, "watercourse" shall mean a manmade or natural channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. (Ord. 2004-21, 8-10-2004)
   K.   Polluting Water Supply: To corrupt or render unwholesome or impure the water of any drinking hydrant, spring, stream, pond or lake, to the injury or prejudice of others.
   L.   Depositing Offensive Substances In Public Ways Or On Property: To deposit any night soil, dead animal or other filthy, offensive or noisome substance upon any lot, street, alley, highway, park or other place.
   M.   Railroad Cars, Stockyards: To own, keep or use any railroad car, yard, place or premises in or upon which cattle, swine or sheep shall be confined or kept.
   N.   Mosquito Breeding Places: To keep or suffer any low lying swampy land with poor drainage or artificially impounding and retaining of water until it becomes stagnant so as to be susceptible to becoming a mosquito breeding place. (1999 Code § 18.01; amd. 2005 Code)
   O.   Weeds: To permit the growth upon any premises in the village of any noxious weeds, including, but not limited to, buckthorn, bull nettle, burdock, Canada thistle, cocklebur, curled dock, dodders, field bindweed, giant foxtail, hoary cress, Jimson weed, Johnson grass, leafy spurge, ox-eye daisy, perennial sow thistle, quack grass, ragweed, Russian knapweed, sweet clover, wild carrot, wild garlic, wild mustard or like weeds; or to permit any weeds, grasses or plants, other than trees, bushes, flowers or other ornamental plants, to grow to a height exceeding eight inches (8") anywhere in the village, or to permit any premises to become grown up with weeds and brush so that the same becomes injurious to the health of the community. (Ord. 2015-12, 10-13-2015)
   P.   Certain Trees: To plant or permit the growth of cottonwood trees or box elder trees upon any premises to the injury or prejudice of others.
   Q.   Storage Of Junk: For the owner, occupant or the agent of any owner or occupant of real property within the village to deposit, store or abandon junk, trash and refuse on private or public property within the village where such storage is not specifically authorized under the provisions of the zoning regulations of the village. "Junk, trash and refuse" are defined herein to include any and all waste matter, whether reusable or not, which is offensive to the public health, safety or to the aesthetics of the neighborhood and which may become stagnant or foul or be a possible harborage for rats, snakes and other vermin and is specifically intended to include, but not be limited to, paper, wrappings, cigarettes, cardboard, cans, containers, debris, old lumber, yard clippings, wood, glass, bedding, crockery and similar materials, old refrigerators, stoves, freezers, upholstered furniture, tractors, machinery of any kind, inoperable or abandoned motor vehicles and a motor vehicle not currently licensed by the state of Illinois or other state or country, exposed to the view of the general public and not either enclosed in a building or structure, or located on the sales lot of a licensed automobile dealer.
   R.   Smoke: To allow or permit any dense smoke to come or be emitted from any chimney or engine within the village.
   S.   Excessive Illumination: To permit any lighting within any property that unnecessarily illuminates any other property and substantially interferes with the use or enjoyment of such other property. In furtherance of this requirement, all lighting on private property shall be so arranged or designed using cutoff lenses as to direct light away from adjoining premises and streets. Flood and spot lights shall be shielded when necessary to prevent glare on adjoining properties or public rights of way and to avoid visual interference with traffic control devices. Detailed lighting design plans and calculations shall be provided when deemed necessary by the superintendent of public works.
   T.   Dangerous Conditions: To cause, permit or maintain any other act or condition which is injurious or dangerous to the public health, or which causes injury, annoyance or inconvenience to the public.
   U.   Liquor: To sell directly or indirectly, or keep for sale, or give away in any place in the village, intoxicating malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, or other like drinks, in any quantity whatever, unless the same shall be kept, sold or given away under a permit or license duly granted by the village 2 .
   V.   Encroaching Upon Highways And Streets: To construct or encroach upon public highways, private ways, streets, alleys or commons 3 .
   W.   Cemeteries: To establish a cemetery within the corporate limits of the village or within one mile of the limits thereof, without first having obtained permission to do so by ordinance of the board of trustees.
   X.   House Of Prostitution: To conduct or carry on any house of ill fame or assignation where men and women resort for the purpose of prostitution or lewdness.
   Y.   Statutory Nuisances: To cause or maintain any nuisance defined as such by the Illinois Compiled Statutes. (1999 Code § 18.01; amd. 2005 Code)



1. See also subsection 7-3-2C of this code.
1. See title 3, chapter 1 of this code.
2. See also section 6-1-5 of this code.