(A)   Creation. The Promotional Fund for the Town of Waterloo, Indiana is hereby established pursuant to I.C. 36-1-3 and 36-7-2-7. The town through its Clerk-Treasurer shall be the administrator of the fund to be named Promotion of Economic Development Fund, which is to be given fund number 281.
   (B)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to authorize the use of the town’s Promotional Fund to promote economic development and tourism within the town.
   (C)   Authorization. The Town Council of the Town of Waterloo, Indiana hereby authorizes the budgeting and appropriation of funds from the town's Riverboat and/or General Fund to pay the expense of or to reimburse town officials for expenses incurred in promoting the best interests of the town.
   (D)   Expenses. The town may pay promotional and business expenses that are prudent costs of doing the business of governing which costs may include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Rental of meeting places;
      (2)   Meals;
      (3)   Decorations and flowers;
      (4)   Memorabilia and commemorative objects;
      (5)   Awards;
      (6)   Expenses incurred in promoting industrial, commercial, and/or residential development within the Town of Waterloo, Indiana;
      (7)   Expenses incurred in promoting tourism within the Town of Waterloo, Indiana;
      (8)   Expenses incurred in developing relationships with other governmental units;
      (9)   Expenses for membership dues, assessments, conference registrations, and other assistance in local, regional, state and national associations of a civic, educational or governmental nature which have as their purpose the betterment and improvement of municipal operations whether said expenses are for the Town Council members, Town Council-Elect members, the Clerk-Treasurer, Clerk-Treasurer-Elect, Town Manager, or any other employee as directed by their department head and approved by the Town Council;
      (10)   Direct expenses incurred for travel, meals, and lodging in conjunction with municipal business, meetings, or organizations to which the municipality belongs;
      (11)   Expenses for one annual holiday party for employees of the Town of Waterloo, Indiana; and
      (12)   Any other expense of a civic or governmental nature deemed by Town Council to be in the best interests of the town.
   (E)   Budgeting of funds. From year to year, the Town Council may budget appropriate funds from the Town's Riverboat Fund and/or General Fund to pay expenses, as set forth above, incurred in the promotion of economic development and tourism within the town. Such appropriation shall be identified in the town's annual budget.
   (F)   Approval of use of budgeted funds. The Town Manager may recommend payment of expenses incurred or to be incurred in the promotion of economic development and tourism within the town from funds budgeted and appropriated, subject to Town Council approval of submitted claims for payment or reimbursement.
(Ord. 21-04, passed 6-8-21)