(A)   Every house, residence, apartment, business, commercial, or industrial establishment within the corporation borders of the town shall have numbers identifying the location. These numbers are herein referred to as street address numbers for all structures subject to this subchapter.
   (B)   All street address numbers shall be a minimum of four and one-half feet above the ground, sidewalk, driveway, or any other surface reasonably presumed to be a reference point.
   (C)   All street address numbers shall be of a color and in a location which, when viewed from the street in a vehicle or when viewed otherwise from the street, can be seen easily. It is required that said numbers are to be of a color contrasting or nearly contrasting with the color of the background surface upon which they are mounted. All street address numbers shall not be placed only on garage doors or front doors, which when opened prevent the viewing of the numbers from said street, but shall also be located in another permissible location so as to comply with the provisions of Ordinance 00-04.
   (D)   There shall be no obstructions to preclude the street address numbers from being seen as noted in division (C) of this section.
   (E)   All street address numbers shall be a minimum of three inches in height and one and one-half inches in width.
   (F)   The posting of numbers shall also apply to mobile homes in trailer parks to the extent possible and the number posted shall, however, be the lot number for the lot upon which the respective mobile home is located.
('92 Code, § 91.03) (Ord. 90-8, passed 7-10-90; Am. Ord. 00-04, passed 4-11-00) Penalty, see § 10.99