For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. An employee or agent of the city to administer and enforce the licensing, inspection and enforcement requirements contained within this subchapter and state statutes.
ANIMAL SHELTER. Any facility operated by the city and shall also include any private facility authorized by the Animal Control Officer or his designee to impound, confine, detain, care for or destroy any animal.
AT LARGE. An animal which is off the premises of the owner and not on a leash or otherwise under the immediate control of a person capable of restraining the animal.
BREEDING. The mating and production of offspring by dogs, whether such offspring result from sexual activity or artificial insemination.
DISPOSITION. Adoption, sale, quarantine, voluntary or involuntary placement or euthanasia humanely administered to an animal.
GUARD OR ATTACK DOG. A dog, of any breed or either sex, trained or utilized to, attack, repel or apprehend unauthorized intruders, whether on command or by instinct.
HEARING OFFICER. A person designated by the Animal Shelter Commission to administer hearings provided for when citations are issued by the Animal Control Officer.
IMPOUNDMENT. The taking into custody of an animal by an Animal Control Officer or any authorized representative thereof.
MUZZLE. A device constructed of strong, soft material designed to fasten over the mouth of a dog to prevent it from biting any person or other animal.
OWNER. Any person having temporary or permanent custody of, sheltering or having charge of harboring, exercising control over, or keeping or having property rights to, any animal covered by this subchapter.
UNDER RESTRAINT. A dog is secured by a leash and under the control of an individual who is mentally and physically capable of restraining the animal and obedient to that person's commands, or securely enclosed (e.g. appropriate fence) within the real property limits of the owner's premises.
VICIOUS OR DANGEROUS DOG. A dog that has attacked, bitten or physically injured human beings or other domestic animals without adequate provocation. Any dog that without provocation has bitten or attacked a human being or another domestic animal or has behaved so as to impose a threat of imminent bodily harm to a person conducting himself peacefully and lawfully shall be prima facie presumed vicious or dangerous. No dog may be declared vicious if any injury or damage is sustained by a person who, at the time the injury was sustained, was committing a willful trespass or other tort upon premises occupied by the owner or keeper of the dog or was teasing, tormenting, abusing or assaulting the dog or was committing or attempting to commit a crime. No dog may be declared vicious if the dog was protecting or defending a human being within the immediate vicinity of the dog from an unjustified attack or assault.
(Ord. passed 11-22-1999; Ord. passed 10-9-2012; Ord. passed 7-8-2016)