(A) By October 1, 2012, any nonresident owner of an existing occupied or vacant residential rental real property or dwelling unit shall be required to file, and to maintain on file, with the Town Clerk the current residential address of the nonresident owner of such property, if the owner is an individual. If a nonresident owner is a corporation, partnership, trust or other legally recognized entity then the nonresident owner shall be required to file, and to maintain on file, with the Town Clerk the current residential address of the agent in charge of the property or dwelling unit, hereinafter referred to as the AGENT IN CHARGE
(B) If the residential address of a nonresident owner or agent in charge filed with the Town Clerk in accordance division (A) above changes for any reason, the nonresident owner shall be required to file notice of the new residential address of the nonresident owner or agent in charge with the Town Clerk not more than 30 days after the date that the address change occurred.
(C) On or after October 2, 2012 each such nonresident owner shall pay a fee of $25 for each initial registration and a maximum registration fee for all properties per nonresident owner of $50. Each notice of residential address change shall be $10 with a maximum change of address fee being $20 per nonresident owner.
(D) If any nonresident owner fails to maintain on file an address as required by this section, the address to which the city mails property tax bills for the residential rental property or dwelling unit shall be deemed to be the nonresident owner's current address. Such address may be used for compliance with the provisions of division (E) below.
(E) Proof of service of state or municipal orders relating to maintenance of any such residential rental real property or dwelling unit or compliance with state law and local codes concerning such residential rental real property directed to the nonresident owner or agent in charge at the address on file with the Town Clerk, or to the address deemed to be the current address of the nonresident owner or agent in charge pursuant to division (D) above, shall be sufficient proof of service of notice of such orders in any subsequent criminal or civil action against the nonresident owner or agent in charge for failure to comply with the orders.
(F) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of Conn. Gen. Stat. § 47a-6a and shall have committed an infraction.
(Ord. passed 4-23-2012)