(A)   The City of Waterbury shall submit to the Board of Aldermen and any public agency or public agencies with which it is proposing an interlocal agreement shall submit to its legislative body a copy of the proposed interlocal agreement as it may have prepared. Within 30 days after receipt thereof, the Board of Aldermen and any such legislative body of each other participating public agency shall hold at least one public hearing on such proposed agreement and, within 15 days after the hearing, or the last of the hearings, the Board of Aldermen and each such legislative body shall submit to each other participating public agency any recommendations for changes in the proposed agreement that it may deem desirable.
   (B)   If no recommendations for changes are submitted to the public agency, the agreement shall be deemed final. If recommendations for changes are submitted within such time, after consideration thereof, the public agencies shall submit a final report to the legislative body of each participating public agency, together with a copy of its proposed agreement, if it has been revised in any respect.
   (C)   Within 30 days after an agreement has become final, it shall be either ratified or rejected by vote of the legislative body of each participating public agency. If, by any general or special law, ordinance, charter provision, bylaw, corporate article or district rule or regulation, any subject contained in an interlocal agreement must be submitted to a referendum before being undertaken individually by such agency or jointly by the agency and any other public agency, the agreement shall be submitted to a referendum of the electors of the public agency and shall not be deemed ratified by the public agency until approved at the referendum.
   (D)   Unless an interlocal agreement requires ratification by a specific number of participating public agencies, it shall take effect as to ratifying agencies at such time as it shall provide, when ratified by any two participating agencies. Rejection by any participating agency shall not void an agreement as to other ratifying agencies, unless the agreement so provides.
(Ord. passed 11-21-2005)