All zones
2 square feet maximum per use
Attached to main structure
16 square feet maximum per sign
6 feet maximum
On private property, no closer than 10 feet to a driveway, no closer than 150 feet to any polling place, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
Shall be removed within 1 week following election day
OS, A, RA, R-1, R-2, R-3, MH, PUD3
24 square feet maximum (aggregate total)
12 feet maximum
On private property, set back 12 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
Shall be removed within 6 months of occupancy approval, or when 100 percent of the facilities are occupied, whichever comes first
Awning, flat, marquee or wall
15 percent maximum of a wall surface
Attached to the wall of the main structure
Signs shall not project above the walls upon which they are attached, shall not be animated4 or illuminated, sign copy is limited to development or use identification1, and these sign types are not allowed on single- family dwellings
Up to 32 square feet, plus 1 square foot for every 10 feet of total frontage over 30 feet, to a maximum of 64 square feet
6 feet maximum
On private property, set back 6 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
1 sign per street frontage, with site appropriate landscaping around each sign, with a minimum spacing of 100 feet between freestanding signs
6 square feet maximum
6 feet maximum
On private property, no closer than 10 feet to a driveway, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
1 sign per lot or parcel per street frontage
A, RA, R-1, R-2, R-3, MH, PUD3
Development promotional
Up to 32 square feet for up to 10 units, plus 2 square feet for each additional unit, to a maximum of 128 square feet
12 feet maximum
On private property, set back 12 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
Shall be removed after all units have initially been sold
8 square feet
Window signs shall not be animated4 or illuminated
AP, C-13
32 square feet maximum
12 feet maximum
On private property, set back 12 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
Shall be removed within 6 months of occupancy approval, or when 100 percent of the facilities are occupied, whichever comes first
Development promotional
Up to 32 square feet, plus 1 square foot for each 10 feet of frontage over 30 feet, to a maximum of 96 square feet
12 feet maximum
On private property, set back 12 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
Shall be removed within 1 year from the date the sign was erected
Awning, flat, marquee or wall
25 percent maximum of a wall surface facing street frontage, 15 percent maximum of a wall surface facing internal property lines
Attached to the wall of the main structure
Signs shall not project above the walls upon which they are attached, shall not be animated4 or illuminated if they are facing a residential zone along an internal property line, and sign copy is limited to development or use identification1
Freestanding (except monument type signs)
Up to 64 square feet, plus 1 square foot for each 4 feet of total frontage over 30 feet, to a maximum of 128 square feet
25 feet maximum
On private property, set back 10 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
1 sign per street frontage for any type of freestanding sign, with architectural concealment of the support pole(s), with a minimum spacing of 100 feet between freestanding signs
Up to 32 square feet, plus 1 square foot for every 4 feet of total frontage over 30 feet, to a maximum of 64 square feet
6 feet maximum
On private property, set back 6 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
1 sign per street frontage for any type of freestanding sign, with site appropriate landscaping around each monument type sign, with a minimum spacing of 100 feet between freestanding signs
24 square feet maximum
Attached to the wall(s) of the main structure(s), projecting no more than 6 feet from the wall(s), nor beyond the private property
Projecting signs shall only be used in lieu of awning, flat, marquee or wall signs, shall not project above the walls upon which they are attached, and sign copy is limited to development or use identification1
32 square feet maximum
6 feet maximum
On private property, no closer than 10 feet to a driveway, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
1 sign per lot or parcel per street frontage
12 square feet maximum or 15 percent of the window area, whichever is less
Window signs shall not be illuminated
C-2, C-3, I-1, I-2, BP3
32 square feet maximum
12 feet maximum
On private property, set back 12 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
Shall be removed within 6 months of occupancy approval, or when 100 percent of the facilities are occupied, whichever comes first
Development promotional
Up to 32 square feet, plus 1 square foot for each 10 feet of frontage over 30 feet, to a maximum of 96 square feet
20 feet maximum
On private property, set back 12 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
Shall be removed within 1 year from the date the sign was erected
Awning, flat, marquee or wall
25 percent maximum of a wall surface facing street frontage, 15 percent maximum of a wall surface facing internal property lines
Attached to wall of the main structure
Signs shall not project above the walls upon which they are attached, shall not be animated4 or illuminated if they are facing a residential zone along an internal property line, and sign copy is limited to development or use identification1
Freestanding (except monument type signs)
Up to 300 square feet, plus 1 square foot for each 4 feet of total frontage over 30 feet, to a maximum of 400 square feet
35 feet maximum, except for signs within 1,500 feet of a freeway exit, which may be a maximum of 50 feet2
On private property, set back 10 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
1 sign per each 300 feet of street frontage or part thereof for any type of freestanding sign, with a minimum spacing of 150 feet between freestanding signs
Up to 32 square feet, plus 1 square foot for every 4 feet of frontage over 30 feet, to a maximum of 64 square feet
6 feet maximum
On private property, set back 6 feet from property lines, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
1 sign per each 300 feet of street frontage or part thereof for any type of freestanding sign, with site appropriate landscaping around each monument type sign, and a minimum spacing of 150 feet between freestanding signs
24 square feet maximum
Attached to the wall(s) of the main structure(s), projecting no more than 6 feet from the wall(s) nor beyond the private property
Projecting signs shall only be used in lieu of awning, flat, marquee or wall signs, shall not project above the walls upon which they are attached, and sign copy is limited to development or use identification1
32 square feet maximum
6 feet maximum
On private property, no closer than 10 feet to a driveway, and maintaining a clear view of intersecting streets
1 sign per lot or parcel per street frontage
25 percent maximum of a wall surface facing street frontage that is below the parapet or roof surface where the sign is attached, 15 percent maximum of a wall surface facing internal property lines that is below the parapet or roof surface where the sign is attached
10 feet maximum
On the parapet wall(s) or roof surface(s) of the main structure(s), but not projecting above the top of parapet wall(s) or the highest peak(s) of the roof surface(s) onto which it is attached
Roof signs are subject to (conditional use permit) approval, shall only be used in lieu of awning, flat, marquee, wall, projecting or freestanding signs on the same side of the main structure(s) or the private property onto which they would be allowed, shall be installed in such a manner that all mounting and support structures and hardware are architecturally screened from public view, shall not be animated, and shall not be illuminated if they are facing a residential zone along an internal property line
16 square feet maximum per use
Window signs shall not be animated4 or illuminated if the windows are facing a residential zone along an internal property line
C-3, I
Off premises
672 square feet maximum
50 feet maximum2
Within a corridor extending 500 feet on each side of the centerline of I-15, at least 200 feet from a residential structure, and at least 500 feet from an interchange or rest area (measured along I-15 rights of way)
Off premises signs are subject to conditional use permit approval, shall be at least 1,500 feet from any other off premises sign that is located on the same side of I-15, and require the approval of UDOT5
A signage plan for each proposed PCD shall be reviewed and approved when the request for rezoning property to PCD is reviewed and approved
Signage plan required
Signage plan required
Signage plan required
Signage plan required
   1.    The promotional board portion of an approved sign may also contain copy that does not specifically identify the development or use.
   2.    Additional height may be allowed with conditional use permit approval for freestanding signs within 1,500 feet of a freeway exit, or off premises signs along the defined I-15 corridor, if the freeway grade restricts adequate visibility for the traveling public.
   3.    Sections 9-18-19 and 9-18-20 of this chapter contain additional provisions for a common signage plan and special standards for commercial signs on Telegraph Road, Washington Parkway, and 300 East.
   4.    Special standards for animated signs will be as follows:
      a.    Animated signs shall not have flashing, spinning or rotating script or pictures.
      b.    Animated signs shall come equipped with automatic dimming technology that automatically adjusts the sign's brightness in direct correlation with the ambient light conditions.
      c.    No animated sign shall exceed a brightness level of 0.3 foot-candle above the ambient light as measured using a foot-candle (lux) meter at a preset distance depending on sign area. The measurement distance shall be calculated with the following formula:
The square root of the product of the sign area and 100 (example, a sign 64 square feet in size would have a measured distance of 80 feet, which is the square root of (64 x 100)).
      d.    The change of message copy shall be limited to a minimum of 8 seconds, or in accordance with any present state laws regulating the time limit of message copy.
      e.    All other federal, state and city laws shall be complied with as they pertain to animated signs.
   5.    Special standards for off premises electronic reader signs will be as follows:
      a.    Off premises electronic reader signs shall not be located any closer than 200 feet to any residential structure.
      b.    Off premises electronic reader signs shall not be located any closer than 2,640 feet of any other electronic reader sign on either side of I-15.
      c.    The electronic reader sign shall come equipped with automatic dimming technology that automatically adjusts the sign's brightness in direct correlation with the ambient light conditions.
      d.    No electronic reader sign shall exceed a brightness level of 0.3 foot-candle above ambient light as measured using a foot-candle (lux) meter at a preset distance depending on sign area. The measurement distance shall be calculated with the following formula:
The square root of the product of the sign area and 100 (example, a sign 672 square feet in size would have a measured distance of 259 feet, which is the square root of (672 x 100)).
      e.    All other federal, state and city laws are complied with as it pertains to electronic reader signs.
(Ord. 2013-02, 1-23-2013; amd. Ord. 2015-10, 4-8-2015)