A Historic Preservation Commission is hereby established by the city with the following provisions:
   A.   The Historic Preservation Commission shall consist of five (5) voting members, each of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, and one (1) current member of the City Council as a non-voting member appointed by the Mayor. No person shall be appointed or serve as a voting member of the Historic Preservation Commission, unless he/she shall be a resident of the City.
   B.   Professional Members: To the extent available in the community, two (2) Commission Members shall be professionals, as deemed by national park service regulations, for the disciplines of history, archaeology, planning, architecture or architectural history.
   C.   Meetings: The Commission shall meet twice each year as established by the City Council, which meetings shall comply with applicable noticing and/or advertising provisions of Utah Public Meeting Laws.
   D.   Minutes: Written minutes of each Commission meeting shall be prepared and made available for public inspection.
   E.   Term: The term of office of a voting member of the Historical Preservation Commission shall be four (4) years and shall be filled in staggered terms every 2 years. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, may reappoint Commission Members for any number of subsequent terms.
   F.   The Historic Preservation Commission functions as an advisory board to the City Council and as such, is a recommending body only. (Ord. 2023-33, 12-6-2023)