Any owner or person having charge, care, custody or control of any animal or animals causing a "nuisance", as defined below, shall be in violation of this chapter and subject to the penalties provided herein. The following shall be deemed a "nuisance". Any animal which:
   A.   Causes damage to the property of anyone other than its owner;
   B.   Is a "vicious animal", as defined herein and kept contrary to section 5-1-7 of this chapter;
   C.   Causes unreasonable fouling of the air by odors;
   D.   Causes unsanitary conditions in enclosures or surroundings;
   E.   Defecates on any public sidewalk, park or building, or on any private property without the consent of the owner of such private property, unless the person owning, having a proprietary interest in, harboring or having care, charge, control, custody or possession of such animal shall remove any such defecation to a proper trash receptacle;
   F.   Barks, whines or howls or makes other disturbing noises in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion; persons making a complaint must sign the summons against the violator which will subsequently be delivered by a public safety officer;
   G.   Molests passersby by barking, snapping, pawing, clawing, biting or growling;
   H.   Chases passing vehicles;
   I.   Attacks other domestic animals; (1989 Code § 13-250)
   J.   Is determined by the code enforcement department to be a public nuisance by virtue of being offensive or dangerous to the public health, welfare or safety;
   K.   By virtue of the number maintained, is determined by the code enforcement department to be offensive or dangerous to the public health, welfare or safety. (Ord. 2012-02, 2-8-2012)