A.   Duplication: Proposed street names that duplicate existing street names in the city or elsewhere in Washington County shall be avoided. Having a different street type suffix does not make the name different, e.g. Washington Street and Washington Ave.
   B.   Confusion: In accordance with the goal of minimizing confusion for street names containing locational and other characteristics, the following criteria shall apply:
      1.   Proposed street names that sound very similar to existing names or street names that have unconventional spellings shall be avoided.
      2.   The four compass directions shall not be used as part of the street name (e.g. Eastwood). This is to eliminate the occurrence of double directionals in assigning the address (e.g. 1229 W. Eastwood Drive).
      3.   The standard street type designators shall not be used as part of the street name (e.g. Springlane Road). This is to eliminate the occurrence of double street type designators in the address.
      4.   Abbreviations of part or the entire street name shall not be allowed.
   C.   Continuity: Proposed street name are encouraged to have the following characteristics:
      1.   Historic significance.
      2.   Local color and sense of place.
      3.   Overall theme.
      4.   Compatibility with adjacent streets.
   D.   Street Name Length: The length of a street name shall not be more than fifteen (15) characters including one space and two words, but not to include the street type designator.
   E.   Street type designators: Proposed street names and street types should be matched as follows:
      1.   Boulevard and Parkway - arterials and collectors with planted or other physically separate medians.
      2.   Drive and Way - a meandering, curvilinear or diagonal street usually longer than one thousand feet (1,000') and most always connect to other rights-of-way).
      3.   Road - streets longer than one thousand feet (1,000').
      4.   Street and Avenue - straight directional streets.
      5.   Lane - short collector or minor streets which are usually less than one thousand feet (1,000') in length and may not always connect other rights-of-ways. May be used in names for private rights-of-way.
      6.   Circle, Court, Place, Cove - cul-de-sacs and permanent dead-end streets usually less than one thousand feet (1,000') in length. May be used effectively in planned unit developments, condominiums or other conditional use developments where streets with short branching configurations are proposed.
      7.   Alley - a small or narrow street, especially one running between or behind buildings permitting access from the street to backyards or garages. (Ord. 2019-27, 12-11-2019)