(A) An individual or organization which is impacted by the requirement to not replace livestock who were "grandfathered-in" by this section may request a waiver of that requirement by filing a request for a waiver of this prohibition as to the affected property with the Animal Control Board.
(B) The Animal Control Board shall consist of 1 representative from the Animal Control Department, 1 City Council person, and 1 member of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(C) Individuals, or organizations which become the successor in title of a property to which a waiver has been granted, may apply for a successor waiver. A successor waiver shall be subject to renewal every 2 years.
(D) To be granted a waiver of this prohibition, a majority of the Animal Control Board must find all 3 of the following facts to be true by a preponderance of the evidence:
(1) The applicant has a long-standing practice of engaging in raising, breeding, harboring and caring for livestock on the same property, however, an applicant for the first renewal of a successor waiver may provide similar evidence of competency on another site;
(2) The applicant has a history of maintaining a clean facility and controlling noxious odors by property cleaning up after the animals; and
(3) A fenced area of no less than 1 acre, as required by the previous section.
(Ord. 4-2022, passed 4-11-2022)