(A) Purpose.
(1) The intent of this section of the section is to promote and protect the public health, welfare and safety, and create a more attractive appearance by preserving the scenic, and natural beauty of Washington, Indiana by regulating outdoor signs.
(2) Any sign erected on a lot or building for the purpose of identification or for advertising a use conducted therein or thereon shall be an accessory use to the principal use.
(B) Safety considerations - requirements. All signs shall be 15 feet or more from any public right-of-way line or property line, to avoid confusion and reduce view obstruction. No signs shall be placed so as to violate any section of this chapter or Chapter 154, Subdivision Control. If signs are placed at a location that the state code applies, the Indiana State Sign Code shall apply.
(C) Aesthetic considerations - guidelines.
(1) Freestanding signs are appropriate where a building is set back from the street; the architecture of the building is not conducive to a sign; or several businesses are located in 1 building.
(2) Hanging signs are appropriate where buildings are most visible from an angle or when buildings are close together. Hanging signs should have consistent placement, size and materials, and should be located below the level of the second floor windows.
(3) Where feasible, sign letters should be attached directly to the building without superfluous back-facing, particularly when a sign band or cornice is a part of the building facade. Signs should not be placed on surfaces which were not intended for signs.
(4) All signs not currently in conformance with these guidelines due to renovations should be removed. Signs can be attractively printed on store windows, particularly where the sign band is insufficient or there are multiple businesses in 1 building.
(D) Development standards.
(1) Signs, on-premises.
(a) Location. No business sign shall be erected or maintained at any location where by reason of its position, wording, size, shape, color or illumination it may obstruct, obscure, impair, or interfere with the view of, or be confused with any traffic control device, signal or sign.
(b) Districts permitted in. Business signs shall be permitted in C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, I-1 districts.
(c) Height (above buildings). No part of any sign attached to the exterior wall of a building shall be erected to a height in excess of 6 feet above the roof line or parapet line of a building.
(d) Illuminated signs (residential districts). No illuminated sign shall be permitted within 50 feet of any Residential District unless it is so designed that it does not reflect or shine light onto the district.
(e) Height (freestanding signs). No part of any free-standing sign shall be erected to a height greater than that specified for other structures in the district in which it is located. The height shall be measured from the centerline of the street or highway from which it is to be viewed.
(f) Setback (freestanding signs). The minimum setback of free-standing signs from the street right-of-way shall not be less than 15 feet.
(g) Size of signs. The size of a business sign shall not exceed 150 square feet.
(h) Portable signs. Pennants, banners, portable signs and/or similar devices may be permitted for special events lasting no more than 30 days per occurrence and a total of 90 days per calendar year, provided they are displayed so as not to obstruct a clear view of traffic, traffic lights and/or signals. The displays are to be placed entirely within the confines of the property displaying the devices and shall be placed off all right-of-ways. These portable devices shall not emit any flashing lights and/or lighted moving devices. No more than 1 portable device shall be displayed on the same parcel of property unless there is a minimum of 60 feet between each device. Any or all displays shall be constructed and/or installed and shall be maintained and kept in orderly condition and good repair. A sign permit must be obtained from the Building Commissioner.
(i) Number of signs. One business sign structure may be erected on each street frontage of a lot.
(j) Permit required. A sign permit must be obtained from the Building Commissioner.
(2) Signs, off-premises.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, off-premises signs and/or billboards shall be prohibited within the corporate limits of the City of Washington and the 2-mile unincorporated area surrounding the city.
(b) Any individual or entity desiring to place or locate an off-premises sign within the corporate limits of the city or the 2-mile unincorporated jurisdictional area must first obtain a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals. Individuals or entities wishing to place or locate an off-premises sign or billboard within the U.S. Highway 50 Overlay Zone District must obtain a variance from the Washington Advisory Plan Commission.
(3) General provisions.
(a) For sale or rent signs. One “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign not more than 6 square feet in area for each dwelling unit, garage or other quarters where appropriate shall be permitted.
(b) Agricultural signs. One sign, not more than 12 square feet in area, pertaining to the sale of agricultural products raised on the premises shall be permitted in agricultural districts only.
(c) Government signs. Signs established by, or by order of, any governmental agency shall be permitted.
(d) Construction signs. One sign, not more than 48 square feet in area, for construction and development, giving the name of the contractors, engineers, or architects, shall be permitted, but only during the time that construction or development is actively under way.
(e) Event signs. For an event of public interest such as a county fair, church event or political elections, 1 sign, not over 32 square feet in area and located upon the site of the event shall be permitted. The sign shall not be erected more than 30 days before the event in question and shall be removed immediately after the event. Also directional signs, not more than 3 square feet in area, showing only a directional arrow and the name of the event of public interest. The signs shall not be erected more than 14 days before the event in question and shall be removed immediately after the event. Street banners shall be permitted subject to the approval of the City Council.
(f) Real estate development signs. For each real estate development that has been approved in accordance with Chapter 154 of this code, 1 sign, not over 100 square feet in area, advertising the sale of property in the subdivision shall be permitted, but only when located on some portion of the subdivision being advertised for sale. The sign may be illuminated. The sign shall be maintained only during the time as some portion of the land advertised for sale remains unsold. Permits for signs shall be issued by the Building Commissioner for 1 year periods and may be renewed for additional 1 year periods to allow time for reasonable display.
(g) Flashing or animated signs. No intermittent flashing or animated signs shall be permitted.
(h) Building signs. Signs painted on buildings shall be regulated as any other sign.
(i) Maintenance. All signs and sign structure shall be kept in repair and in proper state of preservation.
(j) Removal. Signs which are no longer functional, or are abandoned, shall be removed or relocated, in compliance with the provisions of this chapter within 30 days following the dysfunction at the expense of the owner of the sign and/or property owner on which the sign is located.
(k) Nonconforming. Any legally established nonconforming sign shall be permitted without alteration in size or location. If a sign is damaged, exceeding 60% of its replacement value, it shall not be rebuilt; provided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent maintenance, re-painting or posting of legally established nonconforming signs.
(l) Signs in residential districts. The following signs are permitted in all residential districts:
(1) Name plate: single-family dwellings. A name plate which shall not exceed 1 square foot in area is permitted for each dwelling unit of a single-family, 2-family, or multi-family structures; the name-plate shall indicate nothing other than name and/or address of the occupant, and/or customary home occupation. No other sign shall be allowed.
(2) Name plate: multiple-family dwellings. Multiple-family residences and residential projects of all types may display identification signs indicating nothing other than name and/or address of the premises and/or the name of the management. The sign shall not exceed 6 square feet in area.
(3) Information signs. For uses other than those listed in items (1) and (2) above, bulletin boards or identification signs indicating nothing other than name and/or address of the premises, and schedule or services or other information relevant to the operation of the premises; the signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in area.
(4) Information signs (number). For each use of items (1) and (2) eligible to display a sign, only 1 sign per street frontage shall be permitted; except those uses occupying extended frontages shall be permitted 1 sign per 500 feet of frontage or major fraction thereof.
(5) Setback. All allowable signs shall be set back 15 from any street right-of-way or property line.
(Prior Code, 156.21) (Am. Ord. 27-2004, passed 11-22-2004)