(A)   The subdivider shall submit his or her proposal and a schedule for landscaping to the Plan Commission prior to filing or with the filing of the application for approval of the preliminary plat.
   (B)   All subdivisions must have an approved landscape plan in accordance with this chapter.
   (C)   Landscaping must be shown on the preliminary and final construction plans, and must be installed and maintained by the developer as specified on the plan within 1 year of beginning construction of subdivision or section thereof and same for following sections.
   (D)   Required landscape plans must be prepared by a landscape architect registered in Indiana or a licensed nurseryman for major subdivisions.
   (E)   Require landscape plans:
      (1)   Residential subdivision (major only):
         (a)   Minimum 6-inch wide strip behind the right-of-way and or easement along all existing public street or road frontage for entire length of subdivision. (Does not mean new internal streets.);
         (b)   Tree preservation plan where more than 1 acre of woods is to be developed or where existing wooden fence rows are located at edge of property; and
         (c)   Entrance features; i.e.; landscaping, walls, signs, lighting, and the like.
      (2)   Commercial or industrial subdivision (all):
         (a)   Minimum 6-inch wide strip behind the right-of-way and/or easement along all existing public street or road frontage for entire length of subdivision;
         (b)   Tree preservation plan where more than 1 acre of woods is to be developed or where existing wooded fence rows are located at edge of property; and
         (c)   Screening/buffering plans for parking areas, outdoor storage areas, loading areas, storage tanks, large mechanical or electrical installations and other unsightly uses or structures visible from non-commercial or non-industrial adjacent land uses must also be in accordance with Zoning Ordinance.
      (3)   Required landscaping shall include but not be limited to a mixture of trees, shrubs and ground cover. Minimum sizes at time of planting shall be as follows. Each required landscape strip shall have as an average minimum 1 tree every 30 inch horizontally along strip.
         (a)   Deciduous shade trees - 2-inch diameter trunk;
         (b)   Deciduous ornamental trees - 6 inches high;
         (c)   Evergreen trees - 6 inches high; and
         (d)   Shrubbery - 18 - 24 inches high.
   (F)   Subdivider shall make every attempt to preserve and enhance all existing woods, forests, and soils as part of overall landscape plan.
   (G)   Primary subdivision plat and construction plans containing lands identified elsewhere by ordinance as flood prone areas shall have the elevation of the 100-year flood and the locations of the flood way and flood fringe areas.
   (H)   All development must meet the requirements of the Floodplain District as established in the Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 155.47)