§ 154.003 POLICY.
   (A)   It is hereby declared to be the policy of Washington to consider the subdivision of land and the subsequent development of the subdivided plat as subject to the Washington Comprehensive Plan and related policies as those embodied in the Washington Zoning Ordinance for the orderly and efficient development of Washington.
   (B)   Land to be subdivided shall be of a character that it can be developed without peril to health or peril from flood, fire or other menace, and accordingly, land shall not be subdivided;
      (1)   Until having access to available existing public facilities;
      (2)   Unless adequate access to streets and thoroughfares will be provided for public health and safety purposes; and
      (3)   Until improvements and proper provision have been made for drainage, water, sewerage, other necessary new public improvements such as schools, parks, recreation facilities and transportation facilities adequate for serving the subdivision.
   (C)   Private wells and septic systems in lieu of public water and sewer facilities are allowable where permitted under the City Zoning Ordinance and approved by the city and/or County Health Department.
   (D)   Both existing and proposed public facilities serving the subdivision shall be properly related and conform to the official comprehensive land use plan, related policies and implementation programs including the official map, thoroughfare plan and zoning ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 155.03) (Ord. 29-2018, passed 12-10-2018)