(A)   The following described property, known as Campbell Hill, and located in Daviess County, Indiana, is to be set aside, reserved and approved as a park, which shall be known as The Southside Park, to wit:
      A part of Location 131, Township 3 north, Range 7 west, beginning at the northwest corner of the south half of the location, and running then south 19.87 chains to the north line of property owned by Gress Brothers; then south 84° 39 minutes west 1770.95 feet to the west line of southwest First Street; then in a northerly direction on the west line of southwest First Street to the south line of Highland Avenue; then west to the place of beginning, containing 53.31 acres, more or less.
   (B)   The Mayor is authorized to expend city park funds and use labor of city employees in the improvement of the area as a park.
(Prior Code, § 96.35)