(A)   No person shall write, cut, mutilate or in any manner deface any building, fence, bench, masonry, ornament or trees in Eastside Park.
   (B)   No person shall pull, pluck, break or in any manner injure any fruit, flowers, saplings, shrubs or plants, or climb any trees in Eastside Park.
   (C)   No person shall discharge any firearm or have possession of any firearm within the limits of the park.
   (D)   No person shall use profane, obscene, threatening or abusive language, or fight or throw any stone or missiles, or behave in a disorderly or improper manner, or commit any offense against public decency or good morals in the park.
   (E)   No person shall bathe or wash, or go or send or drive any animal into any waters within the limits of the park, nor shall any person be allowed to throw stones or rubbish of any kind into any lake, pond or stream, or any roadway of any place within the limits of the park.
   (F)   Hammocks shall not be used within the limits of the park except at places as are designated by the custodian of the park; and no person shall attach or otherwise construct a swing to any of the trees within the limits of the park without the consent of the custodian of the park.
   (G)   No person shall be allowed to beg, to tell fortunes, to play at games of chance or wit. Any instrument of gaming and gambling in any form is prohibited.
   (H)   No person shall introduce, for the purpose of bartering, selling or giving away any spirituous, vinous, malt or intoxicating liquors within the limits of the park. Except, however, that beer, wine and liquor may be sold for consumption by a duly authorized licensee of the State of Indiana at the “Commons” located on Main Street and East 3rd Street at scheduled public events which have been approved by the Common Council. A temporary permit must have been obtained from the state and all requirements imposed by the state upon the licensed individual or entity must be met prior to the special event. Common Council approval shall only be granted to applicants who provide proof of a $1,000,000 liability policy and an affidavit holding the city harmless in the event of liability due to the negligence of the applicant.
   (I)   No person shall sell, or offer for sale any article within the limits of the park without first having obtained the written consent of the park custodians.
   (J)   No intoxicated person shall be permitted within the limits of the park.
   (K)   No water closets within the park shall be improperly used.
   (J)   No person shall make a fire for any purpose within the bounds of the park, for any purpose whatsoever, without first having obtained the permission of the custodian.
(Prior Code, § 96.21) (Am. Ord. 5-2024, passed 3-11-2024) Penalty, see § 96.99