(A)   Insofar as practicable, sound will be measured while the source under investigation is operating at normal, routine conditions and, as necessary, at other conditions including, but not limited to, design, maximum and fluctuating rates. The investigator shall first measure sound using the A-weighted function of the sound measuring device.
   (B)   All tests shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures:
      (1)   The investigator shall, to the extent practicable, identify all sources contributing sound to the point of measurement.
      (2)   Measurements for purposes of § 94.05 shall, to the extent practicable be taken without noise sources on such residence (e.g., with any home appliances turned off).
      (3)   Measurements shall betaken outdoors at or within the real property line of any affected person or entity as close to the point of complaint as is practical.
      (4)   The sound level meter should be recalibrated at least once per year. A copy of written documentation of such recalibration, in a form approved by the WPD, shall be kept with the equipment to which it refers.
      (5)   No outdoor measurements shall be made: (a) during periods when the wind speed exceeds 12 miles per hour (including gusts) without a wind screen properly attached to the measuring device; (b) under any condition which allows the measuring device to become wet, such as rain, snow, or condensation; and (c) when the ambient temperature is below 14°F (-10°C) or above 122°F (50°C).
(Ord. 8-2021, passed 7-26-2021)