For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   A-WEIGHTED SOUND LEVEL. The loudness of a sound measured through a filtering device intended to simulate human hearing. The level read is designed dB(A). The A-weighting is the most commonly used of a family of curves defined in international and national standards relating to the measurement of sound pressure. Level measurements are usually added (logarithmic method) to provide a single A-weighted value describing the sound; the units are written as dB(A).
   DECIBEL or DB. A unit used to express the magnitude of the change in sound intensity or sound pressure level. The difference in DECIBELS between a measured sound pressure level and a reference sound pressure level is 20 times the logarithm of their ratio. For purposes of this chapter, the term DECIBEL shall be consistent with its definition and use by the American National Standards Institute.
   EMERGENCY GRID OUTAGE. An outage of electrical service caused by a storm, vehicle accident or equipment failure. It does not mean the cessation of service due to failure to pay a bill, or by intentionally canceling service.
   MINOR VIOLATION. A violation that is not the result of the purposeful, reckless, or criminally negligent conduct of the alleged violator; and/or the activity or condition constituting the violation has not been the subject of an enforcement action by any authorized local, county, or state enforcement agency against the violator within the immediately preceding 12 months for the same or substantially similar violation.
   PUBLIC SPACE. Any real property or structures thereon that are owned, leased, or controlled by a governmental entity.
   SOUND LEVEL METER. An instrument that includes devices and electronics to measure sound pressure levels. The output is expressed as a single reading using either the A-weighting and or C-weighting filters. The device shall be annually calibrated by the manufacturer.
   SOUND PRODUCTION DEVICE. Any device whose primary function is the production of sound, including, but not limited to, any musical instrument, loudspeaker, radio, television, digital or analog music player, public address system or sound-amplifying equipment.
   SOUND SOURCE. Any instrument, electronics, machine, voice, or percussive action that produces a sound that can be detected by a human.
   WPD. The Washington Police Department.
(Ord. 8-2021, passed 7-26-2021)