(A)   The quantity of water discharged into the sewage system and obtained from sources other than the utility that serves the city shall be determined by the city in the manner as the city shall reasonably elect, and the sewage service shall be billed at the appropriate rates as set forth in § 52.117; except as is hereinafter provided in this section, the city may make proper allowances in determining the sewage bill for quantities of water shown on the records to be so consumed, but which are also shown to the satisfaction of the city that the quantities do not enter the sewage system.
   (B)   In the event a lot, parcel of real estate or building discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water or other liquids into the city's sewage system, either directly or indirectly, is not a user of water supplied by the water utility serving the city and the water used thereon or therein is not measured by a water meter, or is measured by a water meter not acceptable to the city, then the amount of water used shall be otherwise measured or determined by the city. In order to ascertain the rate or charge provided in this section, the owner or other interested party shall at his or her expense install and maintain meters, weirs, volumetric measuring devices or any adequate and approved method of measurement acceptable to the city for the determining of sewage discharge.
   (C)   In the event a lot, parcel of real estate or building discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water or their liquids into the city's sewage system, either directly or indirectly, is a user of water supplied by the water utility serving the city, and in addition, is a user of water from another resource which is not measured by a water meter or is measured by a meter not acceptable to the city, then the amount of water used shall be otherwise measured or determined by the city. In order to ascertain the rates or charges, the owner or other interested parties shall, at his or her expense, install and maintain meters, weirs, volumetric measuring devices or any adequate and approved method of measurement acceptable to the city for the determination of sewage discharge.
   (D)   In the event 2 or more residential lots, parcels of real estate, or buildings discharging sanitary sewage, water or other liquids into the city's sewage system, either directly or indirectly, are users of water of water, and the quantity of water is measured by a single water meter, then in each case, for billing purposes, the quantity of water used shall be averaged for each user and the base charge and the flow rates and charges shall apply to each of the number of residential lots, parcels of real estate or buildings served through the single water meter.
   (E)   In the event a lot, parcel of real estate or building discharges sanitary sewage, industrial waste, water or other liquids into the city's swage system, either directly or indirectly, and uses water in excess of 10,000 gallons per month, and it can be shown to the satisfaction of the city that a portion of water as measured by the water meter or meters does not and cannot enter the sanitary sewage system, then the owner or other interested party shall at his or her expense install and maintain meters, weirs, volumetric measuring devices or adequate and approved method of measurement acceptable to the city for the determination of sewage discharge.
   (F)   Where a metered water supply is used for fire protection as well as for other uses, the city may, in its discretion, make adjustments in the user charge as may be equitable.
(Prior Code, § 52.118) (Ord. 2-89, passed 5-22-1989)