(A)   The recycling center located at and under the supervision of the Washington Street Department shall be reserved for use only by residents of Daviess County, Indiana. The recycling center is to be used and operated solely for the purpose of depositing designated recyclable materials and shall not be used by any person or business as a place for the dumping of regular household or commercial trash. The Street Commissioner shall define “designated recyclable materials” and the Street Commissioner, at his or her discretion, may define such materials to meet changing conditions and markets for such recyclables.
   (B)   The City of Washington, by its Street Commissioner, and countersigned by the Mayor, subject to the appropriation of the Common Council, may enter into contracts for the use of funds generated from recyclable goods for the promotion, handling and disposal of the recyclable goods.
(Prior Code, § 51.12) (Am. Ord. 21-2006, passed 12-11-2006) Penalty, see § 51.99