(A)   Purpose. For the purpose of this section, COMMUNITY FACILITIES, means facilities classified as main and accessory uses listed in division (B) of this section. The Community Facilities District and regulations are established in order to achieve the following purposes:
      (1)   To provide a proper owning classification for governmental, civic, welfare and recreational facilities in proper locations and extent so as to promote the general safety, convenience, comfort and welfare;
      (2)   To protect community facilities and institutions from the encroachment of certain other uses and to make such uses compatible with adjoining residential uses; and
      (3)   To regulate the location of such facilities so as to ensure their proper functioning in consideration of traffic, access, and general compatibility.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Buildings and land within the CF District shall be utilized only for the uses set forth in the following schedule:
Main Buildings and Uses
Accessory Buildings and Uses
Main Buildings and Uses
Accessory Buildings and Uses
Governmental: Municipal, county state and federal buildings for administrative functions and use by the general public.
Public parking areas, maintenance facilities, signs, residence for custodians or guards.
Civic: Art galleries, libraries, museums, places for public assembly; memorials, monuments, fraternal organizations and private clubs.
Maintenance facilities. Bulletin boards and signs as hereinafter regulated.
Educational: Primary and secondary public, private or parochial schools, nursery schools.
Parking areas, playgrounds, signs.
Health Care: General and special hospital and clinics, convalescent centers, institutions for care of children or senior citizens.
Parking areas, signs.
Senior Citizen Housing: Retirement centers, congregate care facilities.
Parking areas, signs.
Religious: Churches and places of worship.
Maintenance facilities and parking areas, signs.
Infrastructure and Public Service: Buildings housing equipment and offices related to the provision of essential services, but not including actual lines and smaller structures such as pump stations.
Parking areas, signs.
Radio and television antennas and antenna towers.
Parking areas, structures directly related to operation of facility, not including offices or broadcast studios.
Recreational: Public and private parks, recreation fields and playgrounds, lakes, cemeteries, golf courses, nature preserves, and similar open space facilities, not including such facilities developed for prize use by occupants of a resident of the premises.
Parking areas, clubhouses, administrative and maintenance structures, mausoleums, signs.
   (C)   Lot and area regulations. The area or parcel of land for a permitted public facility shall not be less than that required to provide a site adequate for the main and accessory buildings, off-street parking and other accessory buildings, off-street parking and other accessory uses, set backs, yards and open spaces to accommodate the facility and maintain the character of the neighborhood. The area or parcel of land for a permitted community facility shall be approved by the Planning Commission, pursuant to division (E) of this section.
   (D)   Yard regulations.
      (1)   Front yards. The front yard setback shall be not less than the largest required front yard setback for any adjacent zoning district.
      (2)   Side and rear yards. 
         (a)   The yards for each public facility building shall be not less than the criteria set forth in the following schedule when adjacent to any district where residences area permitted use.
Main Buildings and Uses
Minimum Yard - Side and Rear (Feet)
Main Buildings and Uses
Minimum Yard - Side and Rear (Feet)
Governmental: Administrative buildings
Civic:      Nonassembly buildings
      Assembly buildings
Educational: Public, private and parochial schools
Health Care: Buildings
Senior Citizen Housing
Religious: Churches and planned public worship
Infrastructure: Buildings
Radio and television antennas
100% of the height of the antenna and antenna tower
Open Space and Recreation: Buildings
         (b)   If the proposed community facility is located adjacent to a non-residential zoning district, then the side and rear yards shall be not less than the largest yard required in that district.
      (3)   Driveways, parking areas, play areas. Driveways and parking areas serving the community facility may be located within the side or rear yard set forth in the above schedule but driveways shall be located not less than ten feet and parking areas less than 20 feet from adjacent lot line, and play areas shall not be located less than 50 feet from any adjacent district where residences are a permitted use.
   (E)   Approval by Planning Commission.
      (1)   In addition to the material required for the application for a zoning amendment, as specified in § 156.227(C) of this chapter, a Development Plan shall be submitted for land proposed to be zoned into the CF District. Such development plan shall include a site plan for the proposed public facility, as well as any other information deemed necessary to determine compliance with this chapter.
      (2)   The development plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and considered in making its recommendation to City Council. The Planning Commission shall display the development plan at any public hearing held pursuant to § 156.227(E) of this chapter. Criteria for reviewing a Development Plan for a community facility are as follows:
         (a)   The proposed building or use shall be located properly in accordance with this section.
         (b)   The proposed public facility shall be located on a major arterial or collector street as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan, so as to generate a minimum of traffic on local streets. Elementary schools and playgrounds or parks intended for neighborhood use may, however, be located on local streets.
         (c)   The location, design and operation of the community facility shall not impose undue adverse impacts on surrounding residential neighborhoods.
   (F)   Action by City Council. In approving the redistricting of land into the CF District, City Council may specify appropriate conditions and safeguards applying to the specific proposed facility.
   (G)   Compliance with development plan. The construction of all buildings and the development of the site within the CF District shall be in conformity and compliance with the approved Development Plan.
(Ord. 34-90, passed 12-26-90)