(A)   Standards of conduct.
      (1)   The fiscal officer and staff must continually be aware of the fiduciary nature of their responsibility for investing the public funds under their control. All persons responsible for investment decisions or who are involved in the management of the city's assets shall comply with all applicable Ohio and federal statutes and regulations, the codes of conduct established by the National Association of Securities Dealers and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct of the Association for Investment Management and Research.
      (2)   The Fiscal Officer and staff members are prohibited from having any direct or indirect interests in any of the investments made by the fiscal officer and from receiving payment, bonuses, or other compensation for investment services in excess of their regular compensation.
      (3)   The fiscal officer may designate qualified staff members in his/her office to take responsibility for executing individual investment transactions.
   (B)   Continuing education. The fiscal officer will annually complete the continuing education programs provided by the Treasurer of State.
(Ord. 1-97, passed 2-12-97)