(A) Purpose. The purpose of the Neighborhood Business District is to provide for the orderly development of neighborhood shopping facilities serving the regular day-to-day convenience shopping and personal service needs of nearby residents. Commercial establishments within the B-1 District will be more closely associated with the residential land uses at the neighborhood level, more restrictive requirements related to size and scale, open space, and landscaping are necessitated than in other commercial districts.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Administrative and business offices not carrying on retail trade with the public and having no stock of goods maintained for sale to customers consisting of:
(a) Brokers and dealers in securities, investments and associated services, not including commercial banks and savings institutions.
(b) Insurance agents and brokers and associated services.
(c) Real estate sales and associated services.
(2) Professional offices engaged in providing services to the general public consisting of:
(a) Medical and medical-related activities, but not including veterinary offices or animal hospitals.
(b) Other health or allied medical facilities.
(c) Professional, legal, engineering and architectural services, not including the outside storage of equipment.
(d) Accounting, auditing and other bookkeeping services.
(3) Retail stores primarily engaged in selling merchandise for personal or household consumption, and rendering services incidental to the sale of those goods; provided all storage and display of merchandise shall be within the principal structure, including:
(a) Food and food products, consisting of: grocery stores, meat and fish markets, fruit stores and vegetable markets, and specialty stores such as bakery, candy or confectionery.
(b) Proprietary drug and hardware stores.
(c) Similar retail stores, consisting of: florists, gift, antique or second-hand stores, books and newspapers, sporting goods, jewelry, optical goods, and other retail stores which conform to the purpose and intent of the Neighborhood Business District.
(4) Personal services, involving the care of the person and his/her personal effects, including consumer services generally involving the care and maintenance of tangible personal consumption, including:
(a) Restaurants, but not including restaurants with drive-through facilities.
(b) Banks, savings and loans, and credit agencies, but not including establishments with drive-through facilities.
(c) Barber and beauty shops, having no more than three work stations.
(d) Funeral services.
(e) Human medical clinics.
(f) Radio, television or small appliance repair.
(g) Commercial photography.
(h) On-premises duplication services.
(5) Nursery schools and day care facilities.
(C) Conditional uses.
(1) Veterinary offices, not including outside boarding of animals.
(2) Multiple-family residences, subject to the development standards of the R-3 District.
(D) Development standards.
(1) Lot area. No minimum lot area is required; however, lot area shall be adequate to provide the required parking and yard areas.
(2) Lot width. No minimum lot width is required; however all lots shall abut an improved public street designated on the City Thoroughfare Plan as having not less than collector status. All lots shall have adequate width to provide for required parking and yard area.
(3) Front yard setback. The minimum front yard setback shall be the average of the existing adjacent commercial structures on the same side of the street and facing thereon within the same block. Where there are not adjacent commercial structures, the front yard setback shall not be less than 30 feet measured from the street right-of-way.
(4) Side yards. For new principal structures, including service and loading areas, the required side yard shall be not less than ¼ the sum of the height and depth of the building; but in no case shall be less than 15 feet, unless adjacent to any district where residences are a permitted use, wherein the side yard shall be no less than 50 feet.
(5) Rear yards. For new principal structures, the required rear yard shall be not less than ¼ the sum of the height and depth of the building; but in no case shall be less than 20 feet, unless adjacent to any district where residences are a permitted use, wherein the rear yard shall be no less than 50 feet.
(6) Additional yard and pedestrian areas. Where new development in the B-1 District is located adjacent to a district where residences are a permitted use, the Planning Commission may require that at least 5% of the lot area, exclusive of parking areas and public rights-of-way, shall be devoted to landscaped yards or pedestrian space.
(7) Maximum building size. Individual uses within B-1 District shall have usable floor area of not more than 5,000 square feet. Individual buildings containing multiple uses within the B-1 District shall have a usable floor area of not more than 25,000 square feet.
(8) Lighting. Lighting fixtures within the B-1 District shall be so arranged, shielded and directed so as to not shine directly on any adjacent residential property.
(10) Landscaping. The landscaping of all parking and service areas is encouraged in the B-1 District. If side or rear yards are located adjacent to any areas where single-family or two-family residences are permitted uses, landscaping and screening shall be required in those yards to meet the requirements of §§ 156.130 through 156.133 of this chapter.
(11) Trash and garbage control. All trash and garbage shall be stored in container systems which are located and enclosed so as to effectively screen them from view. The disposal of trash and maintenance of the area shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property.
(Ord. 34-90, passed 12-26-90)