Reviewed this day of , 19 .
Township Trustees
Approved this day of , 19
County Engineer
Approved this day of , 19
Ohio Environmental Protection
Approved this day of , 19
County Sanitary Engineer
Approved this day of , 19
County or Regional Planning
Approved this day of , 19 . (Approval of this plat for recording does not constitute an acceptance of the dedication of any public street, road or highway dedicated on such plat, R.C. §§ 711.04 and 711.041.)
City Planning Commission
Transferred this day of , 19
County Auditor
Filed for Record this day of , 19 at m.
Recorded this day of , 19 in Plat Book Page No.
County Recorder
Note: If public sewer and water are available, the plat need not be signed by the OEPA.
(Ord. 20-89, passed 6-28-89)