(A)   (1)   Whenever work is ready for inspection or reinspection, at least 24 hours’ notice shall be given to the Plumbing Inspector, who shall cause an inspection and a record of such inspection to be made. If the work is found defective, the plumbing contractor, sewer or drain layer in charge or the owner shall be notified; the defects shall be corrected within six days of such notice and the Plumbing Inspector shall again be notified for reinspection. Building sewers shall be inspected at the time the connection is made and again before the line is covered. Inspections of drainage or plumbing systems shall be made in the following order:
         (a)   House drain;
         (b)   Soil and waste vents and all vertical piping;
         (c)   Final test on the whole system.
      (2)   The first and second tests may be combined but the second shall not be made until after the first.
   (B)   A fee of $2 shall be assessed and collected for the second and subsequent inspections and no further permits will be granted to the offender until the provisions of this Plumbing Code are complied with.
   (C)   When the plumbing or plumbing fixtures in any building are found to be defective or unsanitary by the Plumbing Inspector, all such defective plumbing shall be removed, and in any replacing of plumbing fixtures, the same shall comply with all the provisions of this Plumbing Code. Such defective or unsanitary plumbing or fixtures shall be removed or repaired in the period of time specified by the Plumbing Inspector.
(‘73 Code, § 1355.06) (Ord. 1401, passed 2-23-66)