(A)   The person in charge of any plumbing, alterations or repairs on plumbing at any premises shall maintain, in a conspicuous place, as near the main street as possible on the premises, a sign not less than 18 inches by 24 inches in size. This sign shall have the name of the person, firm or corporation doing the work painted thereon in black letters not less than two and one-half inches high, and shall be posted so as to attract the attention of passers on the highway.
   (B)   When such work is being done in connection with a building which extends out to the street line, the sign shall be placed on the outside face of the building wall on the street side. Such sign shall be so displayed before the work is started and shall be so maintained until the work is completed.
(‘73 Code, § 1367.04) (Ord. 1401, passed 2-23-66) Penalty, see § 154.99