(A)   The Council establishes, in agreement with the Civil Service Commission, that the best way to determine the person qualified to be promoted within the police and fire divisions is by a comprehensive analysis of each applicant through an assessment of his abilities.
   (B)   This assessment shall be conducted by a written exam, an interview and assessment of a team of professionals from other communities or professions who have skills in the field or in personnel relations, and an interview and assessment by a team of city staff. The scores of each portion of this comprehensive review will be added to determine who has achieved the highest score for promotional purposes.
   (C)   In completing the analysis, exams, demonstrations of ability, interviews, personality assessments, educational achievements, awards, and all other measures of ability will be considered.
   (D)   The weighted percentage of the various portions of the assessment will vary depending on the various union contract provisions, and the guidelines established by the Civil Service Commission.
   (E)   Council shall accept the current percentage distribution as negotiated by the union contract or established by the Civil Service Commission policy. Further, Council reserves the right to be notified of and consider of any proposed changes for a period of not less than 30 days prior to the effective date of this section.
(Ord. 47-99, passed 11-10-99)